NewsUnusual happiness as a mother: a woman fulfills her...

Unusual happiness as a mother: a woman fulfills her dream by placing an order on the Internet

Created: 08/19/2022, 5:27 p.m

Babyfüße auf blauer Decke (Symbolfoto)
A young British woman fulfills her wish to have children in an unusual way. (Iconic photo) © Anna Grigorjeva/xcandy18x Panthermedia28979251.jpg/Imago

A young British woman takes an unusual approach to her desire to have children. She found a do-it-yourself kit online for around 30 euros.

London/Munich – It was obviously very big, her desire for a child – and so a young British woman took a very unusual measure. “I realized I didn’t want a relationship, I wanted a baby,” Bailey E., 24, told the British Sun. What she did then will surely make some people’s ears ring:

Bailey E. looked for a willing sperm donor on the internet. Which she found shortly thereafter. The two met for coffee and soon found an agreement. The man even agreed to make further donations available to Bailey so that she could give her child blood relatives in the future. But with this feature alone, the unusual pregnancy of Bailey E. should not end.

Unusual happiness as a mother – woman fulfills her dream by placing an order on the Internet

In order to get pregnant, the young British woman ordered a do-it-yourself kit for 25 pounds (around 30 euros) for fertilization on the Internet. And, hard to believe: the first attempt with the DIY set was successful! Her son Lorenzo was born on July 2, 2022. Healthy and happy. “Being a mother is wonderful. And I’m so happy I did it on my own,” the young woman gushed to The Sun.

Safety notice for people who want to have children

There are fertility clinics for advice and sperm donation. Also in Germany. Donors undergo various medical and psychological tests and are checked. There is also a clear legal framework in relation to the donor’s right to custody when donating sperm through these clinics.

Going it alone is risky and could potentially have legal ramifications when it comes to custody.

While looking for a possible donor, Bailey E. clicked through a website of possible sperm donors. She didn’t look for any specific characteristics. Rather, the state of health and the trustworthiness of the donor was important to her. Now she is downright delighted with her little son: “As soon as I saw him, I thought he was wonderful! He has my nose, big eyes like me and my brown hair!”

So many people in Germany are unintentionally childless. If the desire to have children does not come true, there can be many reasons. You can find out the three most common reasons here. In Germany, a woman can deduct artificial insemination from tax under certain circumstances.

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