NewsVaccinated and yet suffering from Corona: RKI reveals how...

Vaccinated and yet suffering from Corona: RKI reveals how great the risk is

Infected despite vaccination: This happens and could happen more often in the next few months. Most of the time, the Covid 19 symptoms are mild.

Berlin – Getting sick despite Corona * vaccination, i.e. vaccination breakthroughs, are not surprising, say experts. A vaccination breakthrough can be tricky in people of older age or with previous illnesses. The immune response is lower in the elderly after vaccinations, for example, and they can then become more seriously ill. According to RKI, 782 were at least 80 years old among the total of 1,076 Covid-19 cases with vaccination breakthroughs who had died from the beginning of February to October 22. This reflects the generally higher risk of death – regardless of the effectiveness of the vaccines – for this age group.
How long the corona vaccination can protect against a severe course, reveals *.

The percentage of vaccine breakthroughs in all Covid-19 cases shows “that only a small proportion of hospitalized, intensive care units or deceased Covid-19 cases can be assessed as vaccine breakthroughs”. The RKI calls the increase in breakthrough infections “expected” over time: More and more people are vaccinated, the virus is spreading again more and more. “This increases the likelihood of coming into contact with the virus as a fully vaccinated person.” * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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