NewsVaccination reversal "fatal" - home manager with a tough...

Vaccination reversal "fatal" – home manager with a tough accusation: Söder is "as always about himself"

Some people welcome Söder’s decision not to implement the facility-related vaccination requirement. But there is also massive criticism from the institutions.

Munich – Markus Söder* announced on Monday that he would not implement the planned compulsory corona vaccination in nursing* for the time being. Head of the State Chancellery Florian Herrmann justified the decision on Tuesday: Bavaria clearly sees the “mistake” in the federal government. The problem of the facility-related Corona* vaccination requirement on March 15 is that it endangers the personnel situation in the facilities, according to the CSU* politician. Ultimately, that would also affect vulnerable patients.* “The federal government made the mistake of not taking time to acknowledge the concerns in practice.”

Söder U-turn fatal when vaccination is compulsory: “Wrong signal”

But what does the practice mentioned actually say about this? Johannes Just, head of the old people’s home of the Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO) in Vilshofen in the district of Passau, considers the retreat to be fatal. “It sends the wrong signal at the wrong time and with record infection numbers *, torpedoes the efforts in the facilities for weeks and months and seems like sheer mockery for the people who have recently been convinced despite some concerns,” he told the Passauer Neue Presse (PNP) .

Hard accusation against Söder: CSU boss is “as always about his own popularity ratings and himself”

According to Just, the facility-related compulsory vaccination had the effect of an earthquake. He describes it as a mistake, “because it again dumps the main responsibility for fighting the pandemic on the most important pillars in the crisis, instead of taking responsibility for society as a whole with a general obligation.” But the zigzag course of CSU boss Söder be fatal. The accusation against Bavaria’s Prime Minister: He is neither concerned with fighting the pandemic nor with healthcare staff, but “as always with his own popularity ratings and himself.”

The work was already in full swing. Shortly before Söder’s withdrawal, a video conference was held for a long time to discuss the procedure: “Söder shoots everything in one fell swoop,” Just criticized the PNP. But many are also relieved, he admits, at least now there are no consequences under labor law. “But we all have to suffer the loss of credibility caused by Söder turning around and the general zigzag should test patience everywhere.”

Söder backs down from mandatory vaccination: “Counterproductive”

Josef Jung, managing director of the BRK district association in Altötting, also considers Söder’s about-face to be counterproductive. “We are very convinced of the effectiveness of the vaccination.* We have seen people die and were helpless at first. And we are now seeing how highly effective the vaccines are.” And, Jung continues, “it is counterproductive and dangerous to suspend current law.”

No compulsory vaccination in the healthcare system: criticism of Söder’s special path

Institution-related vaccination requirement: BRK managing director supports Söder decision

Gerhard Gansl, BRK managing director in Deggendorf, supports the decision of Bavaria’s prime minister. “The risk of poorer care is greater than the risk of infection,” Gansl told the newspaper. Vaccination is important, he emphasized, but now the supply can be maintained because no staff have to be released. He further explained that there are enough safeguards in place to protect residents.

And Konrad Niederländer, board member of the Passau Caritas Association, added: “If vaccination is compulsory, then general vaccination would be the right way.” That is why the Diocesan Caritas Association of Passau welcomes the planned suspension. (kam) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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