NewsVaccination status with expiry date? When to count as...

Vaccination status with expiry date? When to count as unvaccinated again

Will you soon be considered unvaccinated despite being vaccinated? Almost Chancellor Olaf Scholz is now calling for the vaccination status to be deleted after a certain period of time.

According to the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO), a booster vaccination with Moderna and BioNTech is recommended after six months after the primary vaccination. Reason: After half a year, the vaccination protection against the coronavirus would decrease significantly. Olaf Scholz now says in the ZDF-heute journal : “We are discussing the question of when it is so that the old vaccination no longer guarantees complete vaccination protection.”
As HEIDELBERG24 * reports, Scholz wants the vaccination status to expire after around six months.

Scientists are currently of the opinion that after six months it is “urgently necessary” to get a new vaccination. In the European Union it was discussed that after nine months there was no longer complete vaccination protection. (dpa / jol) * HEIDELBERG24 is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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