NewsVolkmarsen rampage: high sentence with safekeeping? Public prosecutor makes...

Volkmarsen rampage: high sentence with safekeeping? Public prosecutor makes a plea

In the process of the rampage in Volkmarsen, the public prosecutor made his plea on Thursday – the required sentence is eagerly awaited.

Volkmarsen / Kassel – On the 25th day of the trial, today, Thursday (December 2nd, 2021), the public prosecutor will hold its plea at the Kassel Regional Court – the required sentence is eagerly awaited. The now 30-year-old defendant Maurice P., who has had to answer before the Kassel district court since the beginning of May, is accused of deliberately driving his car into the Carnival Monday procession in Volkmarsen in Waldeck-Frankenberg in northern Hesse, in order to have one possible killing large numbers of people.

As if by a miracle, no one was killed in this terrible act. However, around 90 spectators and parade participants were injured so seriously that they had to be treated in hospitals for months. Dozens of victims of the rampage are still receiving psychological treatment.

Verlesen am Donnerstag (02.2021) sein Plädoyer im Prozess um die Amokfahrt von Volkmarsen: Staatsanwalt Dr. Tobias Wipplinger von der Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Frankfurt und die Kasseler Staatsanwältin  Melike Aydogdu.


Read out on Thursday (02.2021) his plea in the trial of the Volkmarsen rampage: Public Prosecutor Dr. Tobias Wipplinger from the Frankfurt Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Kassel public prosecutor Melike Aydogdu.

Amok drive from Volkmarsen: Maurice P. raced at up to 60 km / h over 60 meters through the crowd

A motor vehicle expert has shown that the vehicle drove at 50 to 60 kilometers per hour into the crowd during the Rose Monday parade in Volkmarsen. According to the expert, Maurice P. drove around 63 meters through the crowd – 88 people were injured, including 26 children. 27 of the injured were treated in hospital, two were in mortal danger for weeks and months. Many of the victims are still suffering from the trauma.

Public Prosecutor Dr. Tobias Wipplinger from the Frankfurt Public Prosecutor’s Office evaluates the killing spree as attempted murder in 89 uniform cases and dangerous bodily harm in 88 cases as well as a dangerous intrusion into road traffic. Before the pleading, the Kassel public prosecutor Melike Aydogdu once again described the course of the crime in minute detail for around 80 minutes and made it clear that the accused drove into the crowd in a planned, knowing and willing manner. The vehicle was also not defective.

Prozessauftakt im Mai: Der mutmaßliche Amokfahrer Maurice P. bekommt am ersten Prozesstag von Justizwachtmeistern und seinen Verteidigern Bernd Pfläging und Susanne Leyhe einen Sitzplatz zugewiesen.


The trial kicked off in May: The alleged gunman Maurice P. was assigned a seat on the first day of the trial by law enforcement officers and his defense lawyers Bernd Pfläging and Susanne Leyhe.

Volkmarsen rampage: psychiatric report confirms guilty responsibility

The taking of evidence and the interrogation of around 180 witnesses * – a total of 182 witnesses were heard and the public prosecutor would have had 200 more on file – clearly showed that the accused, who was immediately after the act by plainclothes police officers at the wheel of his Mercedes station wagon was arrested, proceeded systematically, calmly and prudently in his execution and was neither under the influence of drugs nor alcohol. There was no evidence of extremist or political motivation. An act of relationship should also be ruled out because the accused had not shown any social interaction.

The psychiatric report also showed that the young man had full insight into the injustice of his act at the time of the offense and was therefore fully culpable. The simultaneously attested personality disorder with schizoid and narcissistic traits probably triggered his profound hatred of other people and allowed his desire to take revenge on his fellow human beings to mature.

Ride amok in Volkmarsen: Several murder criteria met when attempting the crime

His statement to a neighbor that he would soon be in the newspaper indicated that the defendant was seeking attention. It is also conceivable that he will experience a bit of thrill and adrenaline from the rampage in his otherwise rather bored life. All of these are motives that fulfill the murder characteristic of “lower motives”.

Ringsherum nur Fassungslosigkeit: Die zersplitterte Windschutzscheibe lässt erahnen, mit welcher Wucht der Amokfahrer die Zuschauer beim Rosenmontagszug erfasst hat.


All around, just stunned: The splintered windshield gives an idea of the force with which the gunman hit the audience at the Rose Monday procession.

But also the murder characteristics of the insidiousness and the use of a dangerous substance are relevant, why the accused should definitely be convicted of attempted murder from the point of view of the public prosecutor’s office.

Amok drive in Volkmarsen: Waiting in vain for a word of apology

Because the appraiser commissioned by the court had also determined that a repeat of the offense could not be ruled out in the case of the accused, prosecutor Dr. Wipplinger that the defendant should be taken into preventive detention after serving his sentence. This is the only way to protect society from further acts by the man.

The accused himself remained silent throughout the duration of the trial, despite repeated requests from his victims. Now it remains to be seen whether he breaks his silence on the last day of the trial after his defense counsel’s speech and speaks about his motivation. But it would probably be too late for a word of regret.

Trial of rampage in Volkmarsen: Defense has the floor on December 9th

The three co-plaintiffs, who represent the interests of three of the total of around 90 injured, referred in their pleadings to the continuing consequences of the rampage. Many of the victims are still receiving psychological treatment, complain of insomnia, and suffer in various ways in everyday life.

Die Strafverteidiger Bernd Pfläging und Susanne Leyhe


The defense lawyers Bernd Pfläging and Susanne Leyhe represent the accused in the trial of the Volkmarsen amok driver.

The defense will have the floor as the trial continues on Thursday 9 December. The court then meets – again in compliance with the Corona rules – from 9 a.m. in the town hall of Kassel. (Elmar Schulten)

What is it like to represent someone like Maurice P. in court? In the podcast, defense attorney Bernd Pfläging speaks about his job *. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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