NewsWDR in Cologne: presenter sues against dismissal - was...

WDR in Cologne: presenter sues against dismissal – was it age discrimination?

In the summer of 2021, presenter Simone Standl will be removed from WDR. In November, she takes the broadcaster to court. Was your age the reason you left?

Cologne – The former presenter of the Cologne regional magazine "local time", Simone Standl, and the West German Broadcasting (WDR) * are * not come to an agreement on the first date in court in Cologne. Standl had filed a lawsuit against the public broadcaster after she had been deposed as a presenter and news anchor in the summer of 2021. With the help of her lawyer, the 59-year-old claims in court that she and the WDR have had an open-ended employment relationship as a presenter and news anchor since March 1998. Because if that is the case, the mother of two would be protected against dismissal and should have been employed by the broadcaster.
24RHEIN * reports in detail about the start of the process between Standl and the WDR before the labor court in Cologne.

The question of whether the 59-year-old presenter was dismissed from the WDR because of her age was only briefly discussed at the quality hearing before the Cologne labor court. Lawyer Rolf Bietmann stated that proof of such age discrimination would also render the termination of the employment relationship ineffective. (iwe) * 24RHEIN is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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