NewsWeather in Germany: heat wave threatens - Sahara air...

Weather in Germany: heat wave threatens – Sahara air drives out storms

Does the Sahara air cause a heat wave in Germany? A meteorologist explains whether the heat turnaround will last permanently in June.

Offenbach – When will it finally stop raining? Many people might have asked themselves this question about the weather * in June, because instead of a heat wave and plenty of sun, there was much, much rain in Germany. Heavy storms * and thunderstorms were also the order of the day – a disappointment for many sun worshipers.

But that should change now. An expert has good news when it comes to the weather. Because Sahara air draws in. It brings a real heat shock to Germany. But does it stop?

Bringt die Saharaluft die Hitze-Wende? Ein Experte spricht Klartext. (Symbolbild)


Does the Sahara air bring the heat turnaround? An expert speaks plain language. (Symbol image)

Weather in Germany: When will it finally be summer?

On June 21st, 2021, the beginning of the calendar is the beginning of summer. From a meteorological point of view, summer * even started at the beginning of the month. But so far June in Germany has been disappointing in terms of weather across the board. Sun and outdoor pool weather were nil in many places in Germany. Storms and thunderstorms * dominated the forecasts, leaving a picture of devastation in many parts of the country. When there was a flood, a number of cellars were full and entire streets were flooded. But does it stay with rain and storm?

“The Sahara air tries again with a surge over the Mediterranean to us in Germany”, explains graduate meteorologist Dominik Jung, managing director of the weather service Q.met. Opposite he gives hope for the really big summer heat including the heat wave. It should start in the third week of June. “Then the warm air can also prevail in the middle and south of Germany”, explains Jung and adds: “At the peak on Monday (14.06.2021) 33 degrees Celsius * are possible”. But is that the prelude to a wave of heat or will it be followed by cold weather and even a monsoon, as in the weather in May?

Day Weather forecast
Wednesday (June 9th, 2021) 22 to 27 degrees, more thunderstorms but also sunshine
Thursday (June 10th, 2021) 23 to 28 degrees, friendlier, less showers and thunderstorms
Friday (11.06.2021) 24 to 30 degrees, sun-cloud mix, few showers or thunderstorms
Saturday (June 12th, 2021) 23 to 30 degrees, friendly and mostly dry
Sunday (13.06.2021) 23 to 31 degrees, very sunny and dry
Monday (14.06.2021) 24 to 33 degrees, sunny and very warm
Tuesday (15.06.2021) 25 to 34 degrees, lots of sun and very warm to hot

Weather in Germany: “Heat attack” through Sahara air – heat wave rolls in

“A few days later, from Wednesday (June 16, 2021), the American weather model calculates a cooling again,” says the qualified meteorologist, dampening the hope of many summer fans. Cool air can then expel the Sahara air and quickly put an end to the “heat attack”. But how certain are these weather forecasts *?

In the ensemble forecast, according to Jung, “the really big noise” begins from the third week of June. How the weather will be in Germany is still pretty open. Some calculations assume temperatures over 35 degrees Celsius, while others assume temperatures as low as 15 degrees. “The last word has not yet been spoken, there are still great uncertainties involved,” explains the qualified meteorologist. But there is still good news.

Weather in Germany: Good news despite the turnaround in the cold

Because the temperatures are expected to remain above the long-term climate mean despite the change in the weather. In addition, storms and thunderstorms should abate. Until June 18, 2021, the precipitation signals will continuously decrease before they increase again significantly at the end of the month. Showers and thunderstorms can then occur more frequently again.

According to the US Weather Agency (NOAA), June in the northwest is expected to be up to one degree Celsius too warm. In the rest of Germany, on the other hand, a month with a normal temperature is expected. However, the qualified meteorologist considers this to be an understatement. “That doesn’t sound very realistic at the moment, because the first days of June are already so warm and it will still be summery in the coming days”. He explains: “I personally expect a higher deviation. Probably about one to two degrees above the climate mean ”.

You can find news about the weather * on our topic page.

Weather in Germany: lack of precipitation catastrophic for nature

Due to the many thunderstorms and thunderstorms in Germany, at least the amount of precipitation in June shouldn’t be a problem – right? Unfortunately, this appearance is deceptive. “We see a lot of red here, which means that June is spreading too dry,” reports Dominik Jung. Especially in the north and northeast, the month could have significantly too little rain * in store. Bad news especially for nature. She needs the water, especially with a view to an impending “disaster summer” in the weather in Germany. (Sophia Lother) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

List of rubric lists: © Jens Büttner / dpa

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