FunWhat can old televisions be used for?

What can old televisions be used for?

Television sets have undergone drastic changes in recent years thanks to the advent of LCD, LED and plasma flat screens. These new technologies have almost completely replaced the previous cathode ray tube (CRT) , once very common in homes. What many do not know is that this last type of television contains hazardous materials such as lead and phosphorus and must be disposed of according to proper guidelines.

A European project called GLASS PLUS ("Sustainable ceramic tiles from cathode ray tube") developed a couple of years ago a method to recover glass from CRT televisions that end up in recycling plants and use it as a raw material in the production of tiles high quality ceramics. By the end of the project in 2011, more than 600,000 square meters of ceramic tile had been produced and CRT waste destined for landfills had been reduced by nearly 3 .00 tons.

The key steps include the pretreatment of the CRT glass and its conversion to atomized powders , resulting in a high quality stoneware tile with advanced technical characteristics, useful for construction or decoration functions.

Is recycling a waste of time? The reality is that only 6% of plastic...

According to a Greenpeace report, most plastic waste ends up in landfill. They are not recycled. This is largely because most types of plastics are not technically recyclable.

Using decomposing human remains as compost will be legal from 2027

Everywhere? No. California just legalized this practice. It will be applicable within five years and each person will be able to decide if they want to do it or not.

Coca-Cola allies with Rappi: They will start a project to collect containers in CDMX

Companies of the Mexican Coca-Cola Industry will use the Rappi system to meet requests for the collection of PET, aluminum, cardboard and other recyclable materials.

Plastic recycling doesn't work

It is not effective at all. A new survey in the UK reveals that just 12% of single-use plastic packaging is recycled.

A new bioplastic breaks down with a 'destroy command'

Scientists have managed to break down this plastic into recyclable components.
