FunWhat can you take to a desert island?

What can you take to a desert island?

Surely on some occasion they will have asked you what would you take to a desert island? And you may be clear about it and know that it is best to carry some utensil that allows you to survive , but if we start to think we can end up lost, so we want to make a small list of things that perhaps are really what could be carried as basic to lead to a desert island.

What can you take to a desert island?

By being able to carry, you can take anything to a desert island that you consider necessary for you, but of course if you think about it and choose to take a mobile, for example, it may not work for you in the long run or it ends up stopping working or maybe you want to take a lot of food with you, something that will also run out at some point. It is better to think long term and if for any reason you decide to go to a desert island or for any other circumstance you end up having to go to one, it is best to have a list of things that will surely be more useful to you. A list like this that we now list for you.

  • Fishing net: One of the first things, no matter how much you know how to fish with an angle. The fishing net will be more functional for you to fish in the sea of your desert island and will also allow you to catch more fish.
  • Matches or a lighter : The first days on the desert island and until you master making a fire, it will be necessary for you to have a little “help” from the hand of some matches or perhaps also a lighter. You can fill up on matches for a long stay, but what if they run out? Well, you will have no choice but to make fire with two stones or by turning a stick against a wood until sparks fly, or also by using glasses to make the sun reflect and its rays hit dry leaves that can give rise to it. form fire.
  • Insect repellent : Mosquitoes and other insects populate natural landscapes such as desert islands. It is better that you apply a repellent and you will avoid bites and any allergic reaction.
  • Sunscreen : Very important because on a desert island it will be almost impossible to hide from the sun and it is not recommended to burn your skin.
  • Knife: And very large and sharp. Whether to open and cut the fish you catch, or to cut weeds (although a small machete may be a better idea), open coconuts and other fruits that you can find in the trees.
  • Flashlight: Although fire can illuminate us at night, having a powerful flashlight will be one of the best options and more if we want to go out to explore the island and end up in a cave or cave.
  • Hammock: Finally, being on a desert island you will end up getting used to sleeping on the beach or on leaves but since you have the option of taking things with you, a hammock will be very useful to ensure greater rest and also avoid being bitten by some of the small animals and bugs that swarm through the sand.

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