FunWhat happens if I test positive for pharmacy antigens?

What happens if I test positive for pharmacy antigens?

From this week the antigen tests can already be bought in pharmacies. Last Tuesday the Royal Decree was approved and published in the BOE, to be able to buy the self-diagnosis tests and in this way that the population can take the test to find out if they have Covid or not, but what should we do if we test positive in the antigen test that we buy in the pharmacy ?.

What happens if I test positive for pharmacy antigens?

The antigen tests that are already sold in pharmacies , at a price that can vary between 6 and 10 euros , serve so that somehow positive cases can be identified more quickly, especially those of those who are asymptomatic.

How is the antigen test done at home?

To take the test correctly, we must use the test in the first 7 days after becoming infected or also in the first 5 days after symptoms begin. It is recommended to read the instructions well, although the steps to follow consist of inserting the long swab that comes inside the test box, in the nostrils to the posterior surface of the nasopharynx, about 2.5 centimeters . We take out the swab and then introduce it into the extraction tube in which the active ingredient is located. We turn as many times as the instructions indicate (normally there are 5) and then we let it rest for a few minutes.

After 15 to 20 minutes we will see the result. If there are two lines (one in the test mark (T) and one in the control mark (C)), then the result is positive. In the event that only the control line (C) is marked, we will be negative. In the event that no line appears or if the test line (T) appears, then we have done it wrong and the result is invalid.

What should I do if I test positive?

In case we prove positive, we must contact the competent health authority to confirm it. That is, it is best to contact our health center and explain that the result of the test has given us positive .

The center will do another test to confirm that we are positive, although what we must do as soon as we know the result of the test and that it comes out positive, we also have to confirm ourselves in a room in our house (if we live with more people).

Having tested positive, we will be considered a “suspected case” so it will be necessary for the health center to do that second test to confirm the diagnosis.

What if I have had a close contact but I have tested negative?

In the event that we do the test because we have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid and that the result of this is negative, we cannot continue with our normal life since the guidelines for action that have been maintained for some time must be followed. months for close contact cases; that is, to quarantine for ten days.

It does not matter that you have tested negative, the quarantine is necessary and the ten days must be fulfilled so you cannot shorten it, much less skip it.

What if I have symptoms but the test is negative?

In case of having symptoms that may be suspected of Covid-19 but the result of the test purchased at the pharmacy is negative, you must proceed in the same way as positive cases : self-isolation and inform the health center so that they can do another test. We must also maintain all prevention whores (use of a mask, hand washing, social distancing) since despite the negative it is possible that the infection is ongoing.

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