FunWhat is an astral portal and how does it...

What is an astral portal and how does it work?

Have you ever heard of astral portals? They may sound like something from science fiction or movies that have to do with the paranormal , but the truth is that many people believe in their existence and even say they have gone through them. Now let us know better what an astral portal is and how it works.

What is an astral portal and how does it work?

An astral portal so that we can easily understand what it corresponds to, is a dimensional portal or gateway to another dimension. A kind of point of contact between the earthly world, other dimensions and the astral world.

According to theorists and believers in topics that have to do with the paranormal or everything that has to do with the ” beyond “, the astral world is populated by incorporeal creatures (although it is not entirely correct since they have a body of density different from ours), the deceased in transition, living people who have left the body, etc.

Thanks to the astral portals we can make the transition and go from the earthly to the astral world , although there is also the theory that these types of portals are not only used by entities, but also by alien races.

Astral portals can be randomly opened anywhere . That is, it is not something that is believed or that we can form. In fact, there are testimonies that claim to have found astral portals both outdoors and indoors.

Near portals, poltergeists (phenomena of a paranormal nature) are often spawned and it is not uncommon to see the dead in place of negative energetic entities (for example, visible as shapeless or defined shadows).

How to recognize the presence of an astral portal

Always referring to the testimonies of those who believe in this type of paranormal elements, astral portals have the shape of a vortex (thinking about those shown in the movies can give an idea of how they are made, without lightning or strong wind for course) of greenish blue color mixed with each other.

On the other hand, mirrors act as portals that could lead us to the astral world and to other dimensions and, in fact, it is likely that a portal opens in front of a mirror.

Especially when we sleep (especially during lucid dreams, that is, dreams that seem particularly real to us and that we can control) we open astral portals that, however, are closed by our higher self (that is, the spiritual part that acts as intermediary) between our earthly consciousness and the spiritual one that guides us).

What does it feel like to go through an astral portal?

Those people who say they have met and crossed an astral portal, assure that the transition is characterized by feeling a tingling, a sensation of lightness (like walking on clouds), feeling pulled up from the head and at the same time, feeling an inexplicable cold and a strange feeling of discomfort or energy different from the rest of the place or room where you are.

All this is what we can understand about astral portals that on the other hand, it is evident that for many people they are nothing more than pure fantasy despite the fact that throughout history there have been testimonies and even investigations around this type of portals and also the fact of being able to move to other dimensions.

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