Tech UPTechnologyWhat is an SSD drive, advantages and how to...

What is an SSD drive, advantages and how to choose the best one

Although they have been available on the market for some years now, it is true that there are still many users who prefer to continue using HDD hard drives, a traditional rotating hard drive that has become the basic non-volatile storage in the computer, This means that the information it contains does not tend to “disappear” when the system is turned off, unlike the different data that is stored in what is known as RAM.

In short, we could define a hard disk as a metal tray with a magnetic coating, capable of storing our data through a computer. An SSD storage drive performs the same basic function as an HDD, with the difference that the data is stored differently .

Due mainly to its smaller size, stability and performance, there is no doubt that many companies and individual users are choosing to use SSD storage drives in their laptops and desktops. And it is that they offer so many advantages, that we explain this time what they are, what they are for, and what aspects we must take into account when choosing one in the store.

What is and what is an SSD disk?

SSDs or solid state drives tend to provide greatly improved performance. And it is that instead of having one or more rigid disks joined by the same axis which rotate at an enormous speed inside a metal box (which is why HDD hard disks are usually also known under the name of disk metallic hard drive), an SSD drive opts for flash memory.

From a technical point of view, an SSD essentially consists of a circuit board equipped with different memory chips. There is some form of input / output interface, and the most common is usually SATA, although it is also true that there are other options, such as is the case with PCIe SSDs and SSD units with alternative I / O interfaces.

In the case of a traditional hard disk (HDD), we find a kind of arm that physically moves on a rotating magnetic disk. This arm in turn reads or writes data. However, an SSD drive lacks physical moving parts, opting for a flash memory, usually NAND.

Advantages of using an SSD drive

Reliability and durability

The truth is that there are quite a few reasons why we should start using an SSD instead of a traditional hard drive. To begin with, we must bear in mind that by not having moving parts we will enjoy greater reliability . Thus, impacts or blows could end up damaging a traditional hard disk drive, but the same will not happen with an SSD unit, whose flash memory, on the other hand, is practically immune to impacts.

Therefore, since an SSD has no moving parts, the data stored in its memory is more likely to remain safe in the event of a crash, or when the hard drive itself moves or is shaken while in operation. .

Size and weight

On the other hand, we also find another added advantage: size . In general, they tend to weigh less and are slightly smaller in size, in addition to being less thick.

Read / write speed

But a clear element to highlight is the read / write speeds of an SSD drive, which are much higher compared to the speeds that a HDD can reach. Not surprisingly, it is enough to start the same computer with the operating system installed on an HDD, and then do the test with the same operating system installed on that computer, but on an SSD drive, to see how this last option will start practically in a matter of seconds.

Since a traditional hard drive takes time to reach operating specifications, it will continue to be slower than an SSD during normal use. This means that a computer or Mac with an SSD will always boot and start faster, run applications faster, and transfer files faster.

In short, if we are considering the possibility of changing our HDD hard drive for an SSD, we must take into account some of its most interesting advantages, such as: lower error and failure rates, faster read and write speeds. faster, greater resistance to shocks and impacts, and much smaller size and weight.

Although, as we see, there are quite a few reasons why we should opt for an SSD drive, one of the main disadvantages is its higher price . Therefore, we must analyze how much storage we need, and if we would be willing to invest the price it costs. In any case, it is true that both in terms of performance and reliability, an SSD is undoubtedly one of the best options .

How to choose the best SSD drive?

Obviously, everything will depend on the use we want to give it. Not surprisingly, as many specialists point out, the only reason why we should not use an SSD is if we need a large amount of storage space, and especially if we are going to use it only occasionally. For example, for a server or backup hard drive, traditional hard drives remain unmatched in price per gigabyte for the time being.

But we must remember something fundamental: in terms of reliability, resistance and speed of writing and reading, SSDs are the best option .

At this point, it is normal for us to wonder which SSD storage unit to choose. Or, basically, what should we look at when buying one. The most common SSDs are 2.5-inch and M.2 SSDs. For example, while the first option is usually ideal for laptops, computers or mini-computers, in the case of M.2 SSDs they are ideal for both laptops and desktops.

In any case, below, we mention some basic aspects that you should take into account:

  • Use. Everything will depend on what we intend to use the SSD for. For example, if we want to have a faster laptop or desktop, the best options are 2.5-inch SSD such as a WD Blue, Seagate Barracuda or Samsung EVO 860. In case of using it for games, it is possible to choose SSD with speeds higher, such as Kingston Savage, WD Black or Seagate FireCuda.
  • Storage capacity. We find another of the basic points. In this case, we must know that although SSDs are faster compared to traditional hard drives, they are also characterized by having a lower storage capacity. Therefore, the amount of storage space that we choose will depend on the number of applications, games and files that we want to store in it, and the price that we are willing to pay. In most cases, an SSD with a capacity of 1 TB tends to become an excellent option.
  • Velocity. We come to the last element to take into consideration, although no less important for that. SATA SSDs can reach speeds of up to 550MB / s, while NVMe SSDs are usually vastly faster, even reaching speeds of up to 5000MB / s.

Therefore, once all the advantages, technical aspects and personal needs have been analyzed, the next question is more than evident: are you willing to enter the ultra-fast universe of SSD storage units? If you even have an old computer, which you want to give a second and renewed life, there is no doubt that it will always become a good option.

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