Tech UPTechnologyWhat is Face ID, what is it useful for,...

What is Face ID, what is it useful for, how to set it up, and how does it work

Face ID becomes a facial recognition system developed by Apple and that, in some devices, has replaced the traditional fingerprint scanner baptized with the name of Touch ID , and that we have been finding in a wide variety of iPhones or iPads.

Specifically, as we will know in detail throughout this gallery, it is a useful facial recognition function that uses biometric authentication , thus becoming a much more secure alternative not only to Touch ID, but to access codes or the introduction of passwords.

We found it for the first time in the iPhone X, useful both for unlocking it and for authenticating purchases and services, in addition to offering us the possibility of easily accessing those applications in which it is necessary to log in through a higher authentication (as could be the case banking or shopping apps).

This technology is capable of identifying unique facial features , as it instantly projects and analyzes more than 30,000 invisible points that generate a truly accurate depth map of the user's face.

In this way, if the device is not able to recognize the facial characteristics of the first user who configured it, it will not be possible to unlock it and, therefore, it will be impossible to use the iPhone or iPad (depending on the device we are using).

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