Tech UPTechnologyWhat to do when iPad won't charge: possible solutions

What to do when iPad won't charge: possible solutions

Unfortunately, on the least expected day it may happen that our iPad or iPhone does not charge, or does it very slowly. The truth is that they are very common problems, which affect many users. To which are also added other typical incidents such as a malfunction of the charging port or the cable itself.

We must bear in mind that the 30-pin port of the iPad 3 or earlier, the USB-C port of the iPad Pro or the Lightning port that we commonly find in most iPad, are exposed to the air, so the possible input dust can become an element that occasionally blocks the connection.

Although it is also possible that there is no problem with the outlet or the plug, and that the battery of the iPad continues to work very well. However, none of these assumptions is really safe, so what should we do when our iPad does not charge as it should? We analyze below some of the aspects that can fail the most, and what to do about them.

Analyzing the iPad charging port and cable

It is advisable to make sure that the cable is well connected to the iPad , and also to the adapter.

Next, we must note that the adapter is also plugged into the power supply, as could be the case with the wall outlet, for example.

Although these are basic steps, the end of the cable may not have been properly connected to the iPad or the adapter, especially if we have done it in a hurry.

It is also vitally important to analyze the general condition of the cable . Do you have cats or dogs at home? In these cases it is possible that they have played with it and have bitten it. If so, remember that it is not very advisable to use cables in poor condition. Ideally, replace it with a new cable.

Regarding the charging port , a useful option is to unplug the cable and look at the connector located on the bottom of the iPad. We must make sure that the port is perfectly clean , without any traces of dirt or dust. In case you need to clean it, remember that blowing with your mouth is not highly recommended. Instead, the ideal is to use a compressed air blower for gadgets.

You use the iPad while you charge it

It is extremely common for our battery to drain when we are enjoying our favorite movie (or even the first Formula 1 race of the season). And since we want to continue using the iPad and viewing that content, we decided to load it while we continue to use it.

Although it is tremendously common, you may have already noticed that doing so the iPad not only takes much longer to charge, but if the percentage of battery that remains is relatively low, or very low, depending on the use of the processor and screen, it could end up completely running out.

Keep in mind that CPU intensive applications tend to be particularly heavy on the iPad.

Wait and reboot

When we continue with some problems to charge our iPad normally, Apple advises users to reconnect it to the power supply and at least wait 30 minutes.

However, if it still does not charge or does not work, the brand advises restarting the device while it is plugged into the power source.

In case an alert message appears when we connect the device (such as “This accessory is not compatible with this device”), it is possible that the iPad has a hardware charging problem.

If, despite all the steps indicated above, the iPad still does not charge normally, we can only go to an official technical service authorized by Apple .

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