FunWhy do flat-earthers think the Earth is flat?

Why do flat-earthers think the Earth is flat?

For many years no one had doubted that the Earth is round, that the world is within a Solar System and that the Moon and the Sun are hundreds of thousands of kilometers from us. But for some years now, the theories of the so-called Flat Earthers have seen how they have spread throughout the world and throughout the planet.

Although for many they do not have any type of scientific basis, and they have assured things such as that the Moon, the Sun and the planets are only a few kilometers from Earth, or that Australia and Finland do not exist , the truth is that flat-earth theories they have become very widespread in recent years.

But where do these theories come from?

XIX century

To know where the flat-earthing theories come from, you have to travel to the nineteenth century where an Englishman, Samuel Birley Rowbotham , used several passages in the Bible to interpret that the Earth was not round, and was flat. This Englishman wrote an initial 16-page booklet where he explained his theory, and later, in 1865, he transformed it into a longer book.

His book focused on the model of the Earth as a closed plane centered on the North Pole bounded along its perimeter by a wall of ice, and with the Moon, stars, Sun and planets only a few kilometers away. of us.

From here flat-earth ideas have spread until the 21st century, where they have become more famous than ever by doing an exercise against science.

Main ideas

At present, flat-earthen ideas are based on several postulates whose central axis is a global conspiracy so that citizens do not know the truth.

For these groups, there is no visible curvature on the horizon, not even from above. They are based on alleged testimonies from pilots who have never observed this curvature.

On the other hand, they admit that Isaak Newton’s Theory of Gravity is false. According to these, the water surface has a perfect level, something that would not be possible if the Earth were round.

Finally, the theory of a great global conspiracy is what pushes the Flat Earthers the most when it comes to defending their ideas. According to these, NASA is a company that cannot be trusted , just like science. They explain that the Earth has never been seen spinning in space, and that satellites do not exist.

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