NewsWooden railings on a balcony give way: five seriously...

Wooden railings on a balcony give way: five seriously injured – two men are in mortal danger

Created: 09/25/2022 Updated: 09/25/2022, 10:18 p.m

Feuerwehr und Polizei in einem Wohngebiet
Fürstenau (Osnabrück): A balcony in Fürstenau, Lower Saxony, pulls five people down on Sunday. © North West Media TV/NWM-TV/dpa

Five seriously injured in Lower Saxony: A wooden balcony railing fell off. The cause is still unclear.

Update from September 25, 10:13 p.m .: As the Bild newspaper claims to have learned, the seriously injured from Fürstenau are all men. Two of them were even in mortal danger. At a party, you leaned against the balcony railing, which suddenly gave way.

A police superintendent from the Osnabrück region also confirmed that the balcony was three and a half meters high and that the men hit a stone terrace below.

Wooden railings on a balcony give way: Five people are seriously injured – the cause is still unclear

First report from September 25, 7:49 p.m.:

Fürstenau (Lower Saxony) – Tragic accident in Lower Saxony: On Sunday, the wooden railing of a balcony in Fürstenau near Osnabrück fell: five people fell. They are all badly injured.

According to the police, more details about the cause are still unclear. “The injured came to various hospitals, one of them by helicopter,” said the Osnabrück police department early on Sunday evening.

The fire brigade and police rescue people who have been hit and buried by debris

In addition, the first police report stated that the house concerned was a single-family home. The police and fire brigade were on site with a large number of pictures from the scene of the accident.

The spokesman could not initially say whether the whole balcony was torn down in the accident. According to the information, further information on the case will not be published until Monday.

Editor’s note: In an earlier version of the article, we wrote that the balcony had broken off and torn five people down, some of them buried. According to new information from the police, this turned out to be false . (dpa/kat)

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