NewsWu Tang album confiscated from Pharma Manager sold

Wu Tang album confiscated from Pharma Manager sold

Martin Shkreli was at times considered the “most hated man in America”. In 2015, he also turned the music scene against him after buying the only copy of a Wu Tang album. Now it has been sold.

New York – An album by the rap group Wu-Tang Clan that was confiscated from the controversial US pharmaceutical manager Martin Shkreli when he was sentenced, of which there is only one copy, has been resold by US authorities.

The album was sold as part of the deposit, the buyer and the price of the work entitled “Once Upon a Time in Shaolin” were not disclosed, a court spokesman in New York said.

Shkreli bought the album in 2015 for around two million dollars (1.6 million euros) – and thus turned numerous fans against him and caused a lot of criticism in the music scene, as the release was withheld from a larger audience. After Shkreli was sentenced to seven years in prison and a fine in the millions for securities fraud in 2018, the album was confiscated.



The decorated box of the Wu-Tang album had been confiscated from the pharmaceutical manager.

With the drastic increase in the price of a drug against immune deficiency, which is essential for survival for some patients, the 38-year-old head of a pharmaceutical company had turned many people against him, at times he was considered the “most hated man in America”. dpa

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