Living13 phrases that mothers are tired of hearing, have...

13 phrases that mothers are tired of hearing, have they told you?

Many people find it appropriate to have a say in the parenting of others and the decisions of other parents. It is strange, but it is reality. Parents of a child are questioned for having only one, while large families are criticized for having more than two or three, to name a few examples.

The truth is that it seems that almost no one is saved from receiving an uncomfortable or annoying comment. We share 13 phrases that mothers are tired of hearing, have they told you?

Sleep when the baby sleeps

We start our list with a classic of classics: the famous ” sleep when baby sleeps . Although always well intentioned, this phrase has very little logic, because it is precisely that moment when the baby sleeps, when many mothers take the opportunity to do things that they cannot do while they are caring for him.

Something more useful, for example, would be to offer to take care of the baby so that the mother can take a well-deserved nap , or be a help visitor and support her with some housework while she and the baby rest.

Not yet…?

For every mother, each milestone of her children is important and special. But when, for some reason, your baby has reached a certain age where babies normally crawl, talk or walk, but he hasn’t done so yet, questions like this can be very uncomfortable and cause us to feel pressure or increase our concern .

At his age my son already …

Very similar to the previous one, but in a heavier tone. ” At his age, my son already read / spoke / knew … ” is one of the phrases that, in addition to not contributing anything positive, forces children to compare . And as we already know, each child is a world, and therefore, each one develops at their own pace.

You look fatal / exhausted / tired

We are mothers, we know that we do not always bring our best face, because raising children is not an easy task. But even if we feel and are tired or exhausted, and that is reflected in our appearance, pointing it out is superfluous .

You’re tired?

On the other hand, there are those who in addition to pointing out that we are exhausted, or that when they hear that we say that we would like a break, they dare to ask what we are tired of . If they knew everything that goes on in a mother’s mind during the day, and they saw that invisible work that we constantly do, perhaps they would understand.

Do not complain

Little by little it becomes normal to talk about maternal exhaustion, understanding that we are human and not superwoman. However, sometimes when a mother comments that she would like a break, there are those who respond that she should not complain, because after all she chose to have children . A total lack of empathy towards mothers and their work.


Remember that ” not yet … ” phrase? Well, his counterpart arrives: the famous ” still …?Used to question mothers when they are breastfeeding for a long time, they continue to sleep together even though their children are not so young, or have not yet put down the diaper.

You are going to spoil it

Another phrase that questions what we do with our children, but that in most cases goes to only one thing: arms. ” Do not carry it, it will spoil “, ” If you do not let go then it will not let you do anything “, or ” Leave it in the crib or you will never get it out of your bed “, are some of the variants of this phrase that practically He tells us that if we give them too much affection we are going to spoil them. Absurd.

Nothing happened to my son

Again a phrase that forces us to fall into comparisons: ” nothing happened to my son .” A rather heavy comment, which they tell us when we choose to raise differently or we are firm in any decision about the lives of our children, such as their routines, not lending them the mobile or any other choice that does not coincide with that of others.

Ugh, wait until I’m older

Each stage of our children’s lives has its challenges, and it is natural that we can complain or vent when we feel that they are overwhelming us. Faced with this situation, the fact that a mother with children older than ours tells us that “that is nothing” compared to what will come later, is not something that is pleasant or kind to listen to .

Are you pregnant again?

Well, the way you see it, again. Because the decision of how many children to have is up to the couple and as such must be respected. Or are you going to raise them? I think not.

By when the other?

Again, the decision on the number of children is solely up to the couple, and this is one that is particularly received by those with only one child. But this question, in addition to being intrusive, can be very uncomfortable and hurtful for those who for some reason have not managed to have another baby.

Are you going to get the boy / girl?

Finally, another phrase related to the number of children, or rather, to gender. If we have a boy, they ask if we don’t want to have a girl. If we have a girl, they ask about the boy. And if we have two boys or two girls, they ask us about the “missing” girl or boy. The only ones that should be interested in that decision is the couple.

Have they told you any of these phrases? Which ones would you add to the list?

Photo | Pexels
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