News1G rule: These holiday countries exclude unvaccinated and recovered

1G rule: These holiday countries exclude unvaccinated and recovered

Many states are reacting to the increasing number of cases with drastic corona rules. Part of this is the 1G rule, which affects travelers.

Frankfurt – In mid-March, an occupational vaccination requirement will come into force in Germany. Employees from the clinic and care sector are affected. While the debate is now about general vaccination, numerous other countries are reacting with the 1G rule as a corona measure. This is reported by the editorial network Germany.

This states that only fully (twice) vaccinated people who can show a negative corona test are allowed to enter the country. In other words, those who have not been vaccinated and those who have recovered are excluded. Among the countries using such a model is a European one – an overview .

1G rule on vacation: Where the Corona measure applies

  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Argentina
  • Brazil
  • Chile
  • Costa Rica
  • Ecuador
  • Ghana
  • Granada
  • Canada
  • Kenya
  • Colombia
  • Kosovo
  • Cuba
  • Kuwait
  • Oman
  • Paraguay
  • Singapore
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • Trinidad & Tobago
  • Tunisia
  • USA

In the majority of the countries listed, people are considered “fully vaccinated” around two weeks after their second corona vaccination. In addition to proof of vaccination, the already mentioned negative test is a condition for entry. In almost all cases, this must not be older than 48 hours. In addition, the states concerned require self-disclosure via a health form.

When returning to Germany, it is important to note that the 3G rule applies – i.e. a negative test, a convalescence certificate or a vaccination certificate must be carried with you. The Federal Foreign Office has collected further information. (do)

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