We recently learned that the new and renovated iPhone 12 is fully available for 5G connectivity , considered the fifth generation mobile network, becoming a new global wireless standard after 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G networks. And it will also be for all models and versions, including not only the standard version, but also for the iPhone 12 Mini, iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max, how could it be less.
It is a wireless technology designed to offer maximum data speeds of several Gbps, ultra-low latency, greater reliability and availability, massive network capacity and a vastly more consistent user experience, which would be joined by greater and better performance and higher efficiency.
It would thus meet the expectations of most of today’s mobile users, who want ever faster data speeds . And, above all, a much more reliable service. In fact, 5G connectivity offers this and much more.
Not surprisingly, all companies agree on one thing: as the number of mobile users increases, and with it the evident demand for data, this type of wireless connectivity should be able to handle much more traffic, at much faster speeds. higher than the different base stations that make up today’s networks. It is here when we find Beamforming , one of the emerging technologies that could be quite helpful in this regard.
It basically consists of a traffic signaling system for cellular base stations , capable of identifying the most efficient data delivery route for a particular user, while reducing interference for nearby users during the process.
For example, it could be of some use to help so-called massive MIMO arrays , which are base stations with dozens or even hundreds of individual antennas, making much more efficient use of the spectrum that surrounds them. One of its main challenges would be to reduce interference while transmitting a greater amount of information from many more antennas at the same time.
Thus, in massive MIMO base stations, the different signal processing algorithms trace the best transmission path through the air, for each user. They can then send individual data packets in many different directions, bouncing them off buildings and other objects in a precisely coordinated pattern. This beamforming allows many users and antennas in a massive MIMO array to exchange much more information at the same time.
Beamforming is used primarily to address signals that are easily blocked by objects, and are often weakened over long distances. Just in this case, beamforming could be useful when it comes to focusing a signal into a concentrated beam that points only in one direction of a user, rather than transmitting in many directions at once. This could strengthen the chances that the signal can arrive intact, reducing interference for all other users .