Tech UPTechnology6 fun facts about Steve Jobs' life

6 fun facts about Steve Jobs' life

Steve Jobs is, for many, a modern icon and almost an idol to adore. The Apple co-founder and computer genius grew up in life a man admired by hundreds of thousands of people. His innovative ideas, which founded the principles of the technology that we have today, and the theatrical and different style that he gave to his advertising campaigns made his products transcend the simple computer, mobile phone or music player and become part of the identity of the person who owns it. Steve Jobs was the visible face of a revolution that, even today, is only taking its first steps. Here we tell you some curious facts about the life of this modern guru .

Straight to Silicon Valley. Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco in February 1955 and, since his parents were students and were not married, he was put up for adoption a week after he was born. It was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs, who moved to Mountain View, California, a rural city that became the headquarters of Silicon Valley, the ‘electronics and computing paradise’, where the world’s leading technology companies are based today. world.

Disenchanted with the university. Jobs only lasted one semester in college (at Red College, Oregon), disenchanted with the educational system, although he continued to attend calligraphy classes. His first job was at Atari, one of the first video game companies. He saved some money and quit his job to go to India “in search of enlightenment.”

In the garage. In 1975 he founded, together with Steve Wozniak, Apple Computer Inc. , which was born in Jobs’s room. They began by assembling computers by hand in their parents’ garage. In a few years the leap that that company made was gigantic, and by 1983 Apple had already entered the Fortune 500 , ranking 411, the fastest rise of a company in business history.


From Apple to Pixar. Jobs left Apple in 1985 after being ousted, but soon became CEO of another large company that grew out of technological advances, Pixar . With Jobs at the helm, Pixar produced the animated films ” Toy Story” (the first fully computer-generated feature film) and “Bugs .” “People no longer read Herodotus or Homer to their children, but everyone watches movies,” Jobs said in a statement to Time magazine.

The apple revolution. When he returned to Apple in 1997, he reorganized the company and went to work on new equipment, creating the iMac, then the iBook laptops, and finally the iPod player. In 2007 he revolutionized the market again with his iPhone phone, and in 2010 he left the world speechless with the iPad tablet.

Your idols. Jobs once assured a journalist that he admired Bob Dylan and Pablo Picasso because both were always “risking failure.”

Video: Curiosities about Steve Jobs

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