LivingSunscreen, everything there is to know about it

Sunscreen, everything there is to know about it

Sunscreen has become or should become an essential both in summer and winter, whether we sunbathe or not. The first reason is that if used correctly it can help prevent rebound skin cancer and also the appearance of spots and wrinkles . A two for one that is very worthwhile. But how to choose it? What protection factor should it have? How should it be applied to protect it? Read on and find out everything there is to know about him.

What exactly is SPF?

The SPF or protection factor indicates the level of protection against ultraviolet UVB rays, which are what cause sunburn. Each person, according to their phototype, has a natural protection against the sun, which would be the time it takes to burn (turning red is also considered a burn). Well, the SPF indicates by how much the sun product multiplies your natural protection . If without sunscreen it takes you 30 minutes to burn, with an SPF 50, it would take 180 minutes.

How much does each SPF protect?

A cream with SPF 15 blocks 93% of radiation; SPF 30 blocks 97% and SPF 50, 98%. Sunscreens that block more than 98% of radiation are called SPF 50+. As a general rule, it is recommended to use high sunscreens, 30 and 50, and the protection time will be longer.

Does an SPF 100 protect twice as much as an SPF 50?

Logically it should, but it is not. When the SPF exceeds 50, no notable differences have been observed. Therefore, in Europe it is recommended to write 50+ on the label if the protection exceeds 50.

How much sunscreen to apply?

The recommendation is 2mg / cm2 of skin . This applied to the body and face of an adult would be, more or less, about 30 ml of product, approximately as if we were to fill a shot glass with cream. If you apply less product, you will not be guaranteeing the protection indicated by the SPF.

How much sunscreen should you put on your face?

If you are only going to put sunscreen on your face because you are not going to expose the rest of your body to the sun, a trick to applying the correct amount is to draw a line of cream from the beginning to the end of the index and middle fingers . That would be the amount that you should apply to the entire face (do not forget the surroundings of the nose, the eyes, areas near the hair, the neck, the décolleté (if it is exposed) and the ears (one of the most affected areas for melanoma).

Does tinted sunscreen protect the same as one without color?

Yes , as long as you put on the recommended amount of both fingers, just as you would with one without color and if it has the same SPF, of course.

If the sunscreen is not from a pharmacy or brand, is it less effective?

The labeling in terms of sun protection is regulated by the European Union, so if a super sunscreen indicates that it has an SPF 50, it is. Pharmacy products can include specific active ingredients designed, for example, for skin with atopy, more moisturizing, with antioxidants, depigmenting … and include protection against infrared, visible light, etc. This does not mean that other points of sale do not have these characteristics.

Should I apply it 30 minutes before going out in the sun?

This has always been the recommendation. However, studies have been carried out in which it has been seen that the sunscreen already protects almost from the moment it is applied .

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