FunNature & AnimalSierra Bermeja fire: why is it so difficult to...

Sierra Bermeja fire: why is it so difficult to extinguish it?

The forest fire in Sierra Bermeja (Málaga) appeared, apparently, intentionally, last Wednesday, September 8. Since then, it continues to be active, destroying thousands of trees and fauna in its path.

So far , there are already more than 7,400 hectares burned by the fire that already affects the Malaga municipalities of Jubrique, Pujerra, Genalguacil, Alpandeire, Faraján and Júzcar, where more than 2,600 people have been evicted.

The fire has a perimeter of 85 kilometers and specialists describe it as unprecedented. It is the first sixth generation fire in Spain.

Experts have announced that the main fire has forked and is advancing on two fronts: one enters the Genal Valley and the other grows towards the municipality of Casares. The causes of this bifurcation are the incendiary sparks that started a new front and increased its capacity for devastation.

The Minister of the Presidency, Public Administration and Interior of the Junta de Andalucía, Elías Bendodo, has commented that the evolution of the fire is still active and that “nothing similar has ever been seen in our country”.

Fires like this, of the sixth generation, are very very violent and, one of their particular characteristics, is that they do not advance uniformly, but are erratic, which can endanger in an instant all the forces of extinction and means taken to the ground. terrain . The formation of pyrocumulus can create new fronts, as has happened in this case.


How to fight this fire?

It is, without a doubt, one of the most complex fires we have faced in Spain. The situation is so complicated that experts say that only rain can help extinguish the fire.


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