NewsIs winter about to make a comeback? Expert announces...

Is winter about to make a comeback? Expert announces snow and storm

Snow, storm and frosty temperatures in Germany: the weather turns wintry at the weekend. In some regions, up to 20 centimeters of fresh snow is possible.

Kassel – The weather situation remains exciting. After spring-like temperatures at the end of December * and the warm start in January, the Atlantic deep foothills are now providing frosty temperatures. A winter comeback is the order of the day, with up to 20 centimeters of snow in some places. Even in the lowlands of Germany, snow fans can look forward to a white surprise.

The lows Barbara and Doreen bring the winter back to Germany. Already on Friday (January 7th, 2022) the flakes trickled from the sky in some regions – others had really bad weather. At the weekend the winter continues, there is even talk of a real “mountainous winter”. For some areas this means a closed snow cover. But it doesn’t get white everywhere.

Weather in Germany: “Snow and storm determine the weekend”

“Snow and storms determine the weekend”, says Dominik Jung from the Youtube weather channel The mild temperatures will finally disappear at the weekend, because it is drawing in a low that is quite tough. The values drop in the night of Saturday (January 8th, 2022) to -3 degrees and rain comes from the west. Frosty temperatures and rain are the perfect conditions for snow. It should snow heavily and abundantly at times, the snow could even make it all the way down.

According to the German Weather Service (DWD), 5 to 10 centimeters of snow are most likely to be possible in the mountainous region. For example in the Black Forest and the Odenwald, but possibly also from the Palatinate Forest to the Taunus. In traffic jams, there can be even more snow locally. Otherwise 1 to 5 centimeters of fresh snow. Graduate meteorologist Jung even speaks of up to 20 centimeters of snow, which is possible in the backlog of the low mountain ranges.

Kommt der Winter jetzt zurück - Experten haben für das Wochenende in Teilen Deutschlands einen Schneesturm angekündigt. (Symbolbild)


Winter is coming back now – experts have announced a snowstorm for the weekend in parts of Germany. (Symbol image)

Snow in Germany: Up to 10 centimeters high snow cover possible on weekends

On Saturday morning, a white surprise awaits us in many places – but especially in the lower elevations, the white splendor should have melted away again very quickly. “In the lowlands, the cold, wet, dreary weather returns quickly,” says the weather expert. On the other hand, it looks better above 400 to 500 meters. Drivers need to be extra careful because of slush and slippery roads.

  • Friday, January 7th, 2022: 2 to 7 degrees, partly rain and sleet, from 400 to 500 m snow
  • Saturday, January 8th, 2022: 1 to 5 degrees, mixed, sleet or rain again and again, snow in the middle and higher elevations
  • Sunday, January 9th, 2022: 2 to 6 degrees, a few centimeters of fresh snow in the low mountain ranges, below mostly just wet and cold
  • Monday, January 10th, 2022: 1 to 6 degrees, mixed, sometimes sun, clouds and some snow
  • Tuesday, January 11th, 2022: 1 to 6 degrees, wet and cold, dreary weather, wintry in the low mountain ranges
  • Wednesday, January 12th, 2022: 0 to 5 degrees, always wet and cold weather
  • (Source:

From Saturday evening there will be a strong wind, even squalls are possible. Especially in the west of the country and also on the North Sea it will be stormy. According to Jung, up to 90 kilometers per hour are possible. It can snow again during the night, but Sunday will be rather mixed and wet and cold. It should stay dry again on Monday. But what about the weather in January *?

Weather in January: Winter is not really getting going – “A significant upward deviation”

“The winter doesn’t really get going, right down to the bottom, and probably not beyond the middle of the month,” says Jung. Instead, he bobs around like that. So it looks like the winter comeback won’t last long. In general, the winter of 2021/22 is around 2.6 degrees warmer than the long-term official climate mean for the years 1961 to 1990. “A significant upward deviation,” explains the weather expert. (svw) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

List of rubric lists: © Frank Rumpenhorst / dpa

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