NewsOmicron by mail: Beijing is frisking international mail

Omicron by mail: Beijing is frisking international mail

The first Omicron case causes chaos in Beijing. Thousands of contacts must now be identified.

Beijing – In Beijing, the health authorities are currently assuming that the first corona infection with the omicron variant in the city was apparently transmitted by mail. The city recently announced that the case was discovered after the person involved took a voluntary corona test. His residential area was then cordoned off. In addition, the search for contact persons has started. According to the health department, this should be 16,500 people.

According to Pang Xinghuo, deputy director of the Center for Disease Control in Beijing, traces of omicrons were found on a piece of mail that the affected person had come into contact with. Xinghuo said at a press conference on Monday (January 17, 2022) that the Post could “not be ruled out” as a source. Now they want to take a closer look at international postal traffic.

Shortly before the Olympics: First omicron case in Beijing

The risk of infection through contact with surfaces is considered very low in research. According to researcher Ben Cowling, however, there is a residual risk. “The virus can remain viable on surfaces for a period of time in cold temperatures, but transmission via contaminated surfaces is not a common route of transmission,” the professor of epidemiology at the University of Hong Kong told The Wall Street Journal. “Transmission through contaminated surfaces cannot be ruled out, especially in the immediate vicinity of the infectious person,” emphasized the Robert Koch Institute in Germany. In any case, the viral load of the corona infected person is decisive.

In a few weeks, the Winter Olympics will begin in Beijing. In an effort to contain the virus ahead of the international event, the Olympic Games Organizing Committee has announced that the public will no longer be able to buy tickets to the Games.

China has also stipulated that all travelers to Beijing must have a corona test carried out within 72 hours of their arrival. This regulation will officially come into force on Saturday (01/22/2022) and should apply until at least the end of March. (do)

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