NewsCorona case numbers of the RKI: Incidence rises to...

Corona case numbers of the RKI: Incidence rises to a maximum – problems with data transmission

The corona situation in Germany remains tense. The seven-day incidence rises to a new record.

Frankfurt am Main – The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) also published the current number of cases in the Corona crisis this Sunday (01/30/2022). According to the RKI, 118,970 other people have been infected with the Sars-CoV-2 pathogen within the last 24 hours.

This is less than the 189,166 new infections reported the day before, but significantly more than the number of new infections last Sunday. On January 23, 2022, the RKI had reported 85,440 new infections. The number of cases is often lower on Sundays in particular, since not all health authorities transmit their data to the RKI on Sunday morning. Overall, the corona virus was diagnosed in Germany in 9.73 million people. The actual number of infected people is likely to be much higher.

Ein Restaurant in Rostock. Die Corona-Krise ist in Deutschland noch nicht überwunden.


A restaurant in Rostock. The corona crisis has not yet been overcome in Germany.

Corona case numbers: Health authorities with problems in transmitting the case numbers to the RKI

In addition to the many undetected infections, there are problems with data transmission to the RKI in many places. According to the ARD Tagesschau, there are various reasons for this. For one, the counties and cities would report problems with the technical implementation. On the other hand, the health authorities are often overloaded. The data would therefore sometimes only reach the RKI with a delay. According to the institute, however, it is still able to give a “reliable assessment of the overall development” and points out that the infection process is only one parameter to be able to assess the pandemic situation. Above all, the “development of the number and severity of the disease” must also be taken into account.

Day new infections | Deaths | incidence
Sunday (01/30/2022) 118,970 | 59 | 1156.8
Saturday (01/29/2022) 189.166 | 182 | 1127.7
Friday (01/28/2022) 190.148 | 170 | 1073.0
Thursday (01/27/2022) 203.136 | 188 | 1017.4
Wednesday (01/26/2022) 164,000 | 166 | 940.6
Tuesday (01/25/2022) 126,955 | 214 | 894.3
Monday (01/24/2022) 63,393 | 28 | 840.3
Sunday (01/23/2022) 85,440 | 74 | 806.8
Saturday (01/22/2022) 135,462 | 179 | 772.7
Friday (01/21/2022) 140.160 | 170 | 706.3
Thursday (01/20/2022) 133,536 | 234 | 638.8
Source: Robert Koch Institute / RKI

The nationwide seven-day incidence has also risen again and reached a new high of 1156.8 in Germany. The day before, the RKI had given the incidence as 1127.7. According to the RKI, on Sunday a week ago, the important characteristic value in the Corona crisis was 806.8.

Corona case numbers: the number of deaths falls slightly

The number of deaths in the Corona crisis is falling again compared to the previous day. According to the RKI, a total of 59 people have died in the past 24 hours in connection with a corona infection. The day before, the health authorities had reported 182 deaths to the RKI. A week ago, the number of deaths in the Corona crisis was 74. A total of 117,725 people died in Germany in connection with Corona. (Daniel Dillman)

The case numbers of the RKI may differ from those of the individual federal states. One reason for this is the longer transmission paths between the RKI and the responsible health authorities. The RKI’s Covid-19 dashboard can also be adjusted during the day.

Headline list image: © Danny Gohlke / dpa

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