LivingThe best microscopic images

The best microscopic images

The British medical foundation Wellcome Trust has just released its selection of the 22 best scientific images of 2008. The reasons for the photographs awarded in the new edition of the Wellcome Images Awards are mainly related to biomedicine and, according to its organizers, "reveal new levels of complexity and turn the ordinary into extraordinary. " The jury has been made up of neuroscientists and experts in visual perception.

Tumor cells, vitamin C crystals, a carpet of red blood cells, a house fly on sugar crystals, the image of a mouse embryo seen with the new Optical Projection Tomography (OPT) or the trachea of a silkworm are some of the most surprising motifs that we find in these images.


Slaves and Disabled: Forced Medical Test Volunteers

The main problem to carry out medical research is to have willing volunteers for it. And if they come out for free, much better. This is the story of unethical behavior in medical research.

How are lightning created?

Summer is synonymous with sun, but also with storms. Who has not contemplated one from the protection that the home gives that electrical display that is lightning?

How global warming will affect astronomy

Astronomical observations around the world will worsen in quality as a result of climate change, according to a new study.

New images of Saturn's rings in stunning detail

New images of Saturn's rings in stunning detail

NASA discovers more than 50 areas that emit exorbitant levels of greenhouse gases

NASA's 'EMIT' spectrometer locates has targeted Central Asia, the Middle East and the US among others.
