Tech UPTechnologyInstagram Remix: what it is, how to use it...

Instagram Remix: what it is, how to use it and what it is useful for

It seems that more and more developers tend to look at some of the basic features and functions of an application as fashionable as it could be the case of TikTok , when working on improvements for their own social networks. And, although it is not originally like that, the reality is that the newness of Instagram does tend to remind us a lot of the original TikTok Duo .

Although it was some time ago when Alessandro Paluzzi became one of the first to realize that Instagram was testing a function baptized by the social network itself with the name of Remix , the reality is that since the end of last March it is already available in a one hundred percent official way for all users.

In fact, it was on March 31 when Instagram itself went to its official Twitter account to officially announce the launch of Remix, pointing out that it was possible to find and use this function in the app to create our own reel, along with the existing one.

If you have any experience using TikTok Duo, one of the most popular features of this very particular social network, it’s no secret that this functionality built into Instagram tends to look quite similar.

Among other interesting aspects, duets offer us the possibility of taking advantage of the video uploaded by another user to create a parody, film a reaction or even do some kind of musical collaboration .

Not surprisingly, in its first moment with Reels we already realized that Instagram had been inspired by TikTok for its creation, so it is not surprising to discover now that Remix originally resembles the original Duets of the Asian application.

But the reality is that Instagram is not alone in the search to compete with TikTok, which managed to become one of the most downloaded apps in 2020, reaching both Android and iOS the not inconsiderable figure of 130,000 million downloads, unseating even Facebook itself.

What exactly is Instagram Remix and how does it work?

Instagram Remix is a new feature that allows users to interact effectively with other video clips , opening up the possibility to create new versions and add new angles to the original version.

It has been officially released for Reels , which some time ago became a new way to create fun video content, being able to record and edit different 15-second clips, with audio and effects.

Of course, Remix has been enabled by default for all public accounts. Although, yes, it is necessary to take into account an important detail: it will not be automatically enabled in those Reels that have already been loaded and previously published before the moment in which Remix was launched.

How to use and create Instagram Remix?

The truth is that creating a Remix is as simple as making a Reel. In fact, to begin with, it is necessary to find a Reel that we like . Once this is done, we must touch the three-dot icon that will appear on the reel, and select the option Mix this reel .

From that moment on, the screen will be divided between the original and the new Reel. Next, we started recording our Remix .

Once recorded, we can control the audio that we have recorded, the volume corresponding to the original audio and add, if we wish, a voice-over. In any case, we can do it by touching the slider icon that we will find at the top; Whereas, if what we want is to add a voice over, it will be enough to touch the microphone icon that we will find at the top.

Clever! If everything is as you would like, continue editing your creation and click on the Share option. Otherwise, you can choose the Save draft option, which will offer you the possibility to edit it again at any other time.

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