FunPAU, EBAU, EvAU: how are the selectivity tests different?

PAU, EBAU, EvAU: how are the selectivity tests different?

According to the order published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) in January 2021, the selectivity tests must be held before June 18 and the provisional results must be published before June 25. In the same way as in previous years, each community establishes its own dates for the ordinary and extraordinary convocation. Now it is more important than ever to be very clear about the difference between PAU, EBAU and EvAU. Let’s start by explaining what selectivity is. It is a term used to refer to university entrance exams. As the website ‘’ points out, it has been used since the end of the 19th century, when selectivity tests were created to quantify students’ skills. PAUPAU is the acronym that corresponds to the old Access Test the University that was launched in the 2009-2010 academic year. A new model of access to the university was established in which, in addition to the compulsory phase of the selectivity, students could take a specific voluntary phase Compulsory phase (scored between 0 and 10 points): Spanish language and literature Foreign language . History of Spain or History of Philosophy. Mathematics II, Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences, Fundamentals of Art or Latin. Co-official language and literature in the Basque Country, Catalonia, the Valencian Community and Galicia. The specific phase is voluntary and students can choose how many tests they want to take, up to a maximum of four. In this phase, a maximum of four points can be obtained: EVAU and EBAULa Baccalaureate Assessment for University Access (EBAU or EvAU) is how the pre-university tests are currently called.The exams are divided into two main blocks: one mandatory and the other specifically voluntary to improve the grade. The specific voluntary, as its name indicates, is not mandatory. However, it is 100% advisable to do this block since the cut-off marks for university courses are over 14 and not over 10. There is no difference between EBAU and EvAU, only that each community uses one of these terms. Asturias, Canary Islands , Cantabria, Castilla y León, Extremadura, the Balearic Islands, La Rioja and Murcia refer to these tests as EBAU. Meanwhile, Aragon, Castilla La Mancha, Madrid and Navarra refer to them as EvAU. Meanwhile, in Andalusia PEvAU is used, in Galicia ABAU and in the Basque Country EUAU.

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