FunMercadona launches the product that will refresh your home...

Mercadona launches the product that will refresh your home the most this summer

Mercadona knows how to innovate and surprise with many of its products that end up going viral. It has done it again, but not with one of its novelties in food, but with a product designed for the home that is also perfect for your home to have a cool and pleasant environment this summer . Take note, because you won’t want to let it escape!

Mercadona launches the product that will refresh your home the most this summer

Among the novelties for Mercadona’s home this June, a new wand freshener with a tropical scent stands out . A scent that is the most appropriate now that summer is coming and we want our home to feel fresher than ever.

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An air freshener that, as you can see in the image, consists of a glass container, so that it reduces the use of plastic by 65%, something that is within the sustainable strategy that Mercadona has been applying for months, in which they must introduce a series of wands that if we leave it for a while, they will absorb the aroma of tropical fragrances that we have discussed and will make it spread throughout the environment.

Made by the company Bosque Verde , which is already responsible for the rest of the air fresheners that you can already find in Mercadona supermarkets, this new product also promises that the perfume lasts longer , but not only that, but we can also regulate the intensity of this . To do this, all we have to do is place more or less wands depending on whether we want the tropical fragrance to be stronger or something softer.

A fresh, pleasant and also beautiful air freshener since the container is decorated so it will also serve to decorate the living room , bedroom or any other space in our home in which we place this new product that also has a price of what cheaper: it only costs € 2.40 and is sold both in Mercadona supermarkets and online.

Of course, from Mercadona they warn that the fragrance inside the container can create a reaction or stain on certain types of surfaces or wood, so so that this does not happen, you must first make sure that the surface on which you are going to leave the air freshener is dry . Also, carefully unscrew the lid of the container to insert the wands and do not remove these so that the fragrance does not drip anywhere.

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