EntertainmentMovies & TVThe next "Lord of the Rings" movie will be...

The next "Lord of the Rings" movie will be an anime

The Lord of the Rings is one of the greatest works of fantasy literature, but also an indispensable franchise and film series for moviegoers. As if public acceptance were not enough, it is in turn a multi-award-winning trilogy in its third installment, The Return of the King with 11 Oscars. Before the three Peter Jackson films, the story of middle earth already had an animated adaptation in 1978 that terrified more than one child due to its drawing style and soundtrack. New Line Cinema is now partnering with Warner Bros Animation to confirm that The Lord of the Rings will be an anime.

Anime, unlike Western animation that we all know, has certain indigenous characteristics of Eastern culture, in addition to focusing more on the drawing of the characters and the settings, while Disney animation, for example, focuses its attention and care in the movements. The Lord of the Rings will be an anime titled The War of the Rohirrim , those horsemen that every fan will remember for their epic attack at dawn on The Two Towers . This anime, how could it be otherwise, will be directed by a great veteran of the field, Kenji Kamiyama. The Japanese has extensive experience having actively participated in series such as Knights of the Zodiac and Ghost in the Shell .

The final plan, more than on a platform, will be to release this story in theaters. The care and interest in Tolkien’s work is assured, not only by the choice of its director, but also because the project has been joined by the supervision of Philippa Boyens , who co-wrote with Jackson the original trilogy that won the Oscar for best adapted screenplay. . The titular writers will be Jeffrey Addiss and Will Matthews, creators of The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance .

According to Warner Bros Animation, The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirim will be a standalone story but will serve as a complement to the Jackson trilogy, focusing on expanding the story of Helm’s Deep and King Helm Hammerhand.


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