LivingTravelHanal Pixán: day of the dead among the Mayans

Hanal Pixán: day of the dead among the Mayans

Hanal Pixán is the name given to the Day of the Dead celebrations of the Mayans who live in the Yucatan Peninsula. The term translates literally as “food of the souls” in the Mayan language. In this region, food takes on a special meaning as traditional dishes are prepared for the spirits who are believed to return on this day to visit their families. The party is a way to celebrate and honor deceased family and friends.

Many of the traditions surrounding Hanal Pixán are similar to Day of the Dead celebrations in other parts of Mexico. Holidays last more than three days. Families prepare a table that functions as an offering or altar in their home and also go to the cemetery to decorate the graves. They prepare to greet the souls of the deceased by cleaning the house as if they were receiving guests. The spirits of the children who died return on the night of October 31 and a special offering is prepared for them that will include toys, chocolate and other sweets.

The spirits of the adults come the next night, and there are different items placed for them on the altar, including alcoholic beverages. On the third day (November 2), a special mass is said for the souls of the dead.

There are some beliefs that are common in rural villages: people may tie a red or black rope around their children’s wrist, believing that it will protect them from spirits (although spirits are not seen as malevolent, they can play tricks or wear jealous of babies and young children). It is also common to tie animals that generally roam free so that the animals do not get in the way of the spirits.

Food for Hanal Pixán

The foods that are prepared for Hanal Pixán are exclusive to the Mayans. This is the main way this holiday differs from the Day of the Dead traditions in the rest of Mexico, which has its own particular dishes that are associated with the holiday, Day of the Dead food.

The most important food for the holidays is the mucbipollo. The name of this dish is a compound Mayan and Spanish word. In Mayan muc means buried and bi means baked, and pollo is the Spanish word for chicken. This special dish is similar to a tamale but much larger than a normal tamale. It is made with corn and chicken dough wrapped in banana leaves. Traditionally it is cooked in an underground well called pib, although today some people take their mucbipollos to a bakery to cook them in a wood oven, and others bake it in their oven at home.

Mucbipollo and other traditional foods and drinks are placed on a table that is set with a tablecloth and candles so that the dead can enjoy the essence of the food. Later, the living will consume what is left. It is also customary to place a plate for lonely souls, those who have no one to remember them.

It’s you

If you are lucky enough to be in the Yucatan Peninsula at this time of year, you can enjoy the local customs and traditions associated with vacations. In Mérida there are numerous altars installed in the Plaza Grande. Head to the cemetery to see how the graves are decorated. If you are in Cancun or the Riviera Maya, plan to go to the Life and Death Festival at Xcaret Park.

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