LivingTravelMost popular cities in Brazil

Most popular cities in Brazil

These popular cities share one thing in common – they are all great examples of Brazil’s varied regions, attractions, and culture in big cities and favorite beach resorts.

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Rio de Janeiro

Truly a wonderful city, Rio has a spectacular location, and cariocas and visitors enjoy a vivid lifestyle nestled between fabulous beaches and tropical hills.

Don’t miss Ipanema Beach, made famous by the song The Girl from Ipanema. But it’s also a popular destination for locals gathering for a drink, as the beer is sold all over the beach.

If you are more active, there are many activities such as volleyball, soccer and Brazilian soccer, combining the two sports.

If Ipanema Beach is too crowded, don’t worry: you always have the nearby Copacabana.

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Sao Paulo

The city is the largest commercial and industrial center in South America and Brazil. Paulistanos work hard and play hard. Sao Paulo is known to locals as “Sampa,” and while many complain about its financial focus, there are also plenty of opportunities for art and culture.

If you like street art, the city is known for its pichação, which is a series of labels in a cryptic style in places that defy death. Many of the most famous artists try to impress by finding the most difficult places to label.

Sao Paulo is also famous for its shopping and is one of the best places to learn Portuguese in Brazil.

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Pelourinho and Salvador

Pelourinho, the old historic center of Salvador, is a city within a city. Centered around the old slave auction, Pelourinho has pastel-colored buildings, churches, museums, shops, restaurants, and fantastic nightlife.

Known as “Pelo” to the locals, it is a great place for food and entertainment. It is perfect for photographers who want to photograph their colorful colonial buildings.

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The capital of the state of Pernambuco, Recife is called the “Venice of Brazil” and offers visitors two carnivals a year, in addition to beaches, dancing, music and Olinda.

It is located on the coast and is home to two major rivers that lead to the Atlantic Ocean. While this made it a major economic hub in years past, it is now known for its beautiful beaches.

If you love soccer, also known as soccer in Brazil, this is one of the best places to watch a game. Here it is played and watched with passion and was chosen as one of the ten World Cup sites.

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An international resort, Buzios is one of the most popular cities in Brazil and a popular day trip from Rio de Janeiro. The city is two hours north of Rio de Janeiro, and its more than twenty beaches and laid-back hedonistic flair compare it to Saint Tropez.

If you are not one of those who enjoy the rays of the sun on the beach, there are many activities, such as boating, surfing and diving.

To tell the truth, Buzios is not a city, but a region with three communities: Ossos on the north coast, which is the oldest and most beautiful with old colonial houses. The beaches here are easily accessible and protected from bad weather. Manguinhos and Armacao are more difficult to reach, but the beaches are more beautiful.

You can’t go wrong either, the region is spectacular.

It is easy to see that the most popular cities in Brazil are those with access to beautiful beaches and stunning landscapes. It is difficult to choose a bad city in Brazil as they all have something to offer with friendly people.

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