FunAll the health dangers of sleeping with the fan...

All the health dangers of sleeping with the fan in summer

Sleeping in summer when the thermometer exceeds 20 degrees is a very complicated task. To try to fall asleep and rest as well as possible, we can resort to different tricks, such as taking a warm shower before going to bed or drinking plenty of water so that the body is well hydrated. But, as experts warn, what we should never do is sleep with the fan on . Although at first it seems the best solution to maintain a comfortable temperature in the bedroom, it carries a series of dangers that it is better to avoid.

Why is it not advisable to sleep with the fan on in summer?

The first thing to keep in mind is that a fan, no matter how quiet it is, always makes some noise . Although this may not be a problem for many people, if we suffer from insomnia or have trouble falling asleep, it may be for us.

To this we must add that if we are allergic or asthmatic it is not a good idea to sleep with the fan on. The reason is very simple: with the movement in the air that reaches us, pollen and dust also move.

In addition, the nasal passages become very dry due to the constant flow of air, which can lead to a number of consequences: mucus, congestion, headache, dry skin and irritation in the throat and eyes.

And, finally, we must not forget that if we put the fan very close to the bed on top, the cold air can affect the muscles of the neck and face.

Top tips for a good night’s sleep in hot weather

Now that we are clear that we should not sleep with the fan on , it is interesting to know a series of tips for sleeping in summer:

  • Sheets: although they are a little more expensive than polyester ones, we should choose cotton sheets. They are breathable and much lighter. Also, if they are in light colors such as white or beige, much better.
  • Naps: at this time of year, especially if we are on vacation, we want to take a good nap. But the ideal is that it does not last more than 30 minutes so that we do not have difficulties sleeping at night.
  • Showers: and, finally, the showers before going to bed have to be warm, not cold. The only thing that we achieve with cold water is that our body reacts to try to compensate for the change in temperature, and the sensation of heat increases.

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