EntertainmentGamesThe latest Marvel's Avengers patch causes the IP of...

The latest Marvel's Avengers patch causes the IP of the players to be shown on the screen and Crystal Dynamics is already working on a solution

The mightiest heroes on Earth seem to have to face a new problem. Marvel’s Avengers has released its update 1.8.0 today, which fixes various bugs, stabilizes the title and continues with the preparations for the great cosmic event that is coming .

However, a problem has arisen with this patch. Several have been the players who have warned that some numbers have appeared at the bottom of their screen.

These are the user’s own IP address, which can cause that if the game is broadcast, anyone can have knowledge of it and can flood the network with unwanted traffic or even cut the connection. It is unknown which platforms it affects and how many users.

This has been warned by the Forbes journalist, Paul Tassi, who has shown a screenshot of his game in which he has covered the code, but shows the error on the screen . Other users have also shared their discomfort at being affected.

This is legitimately “close the fucking bad game”

I have a crazy display error. It shows the time and name on PSN and my IP address and another long string of numbers

Crystal Dynamics just revealed my IP in my game stream

Crystal Dynamics response

Right now, the developer has echoed the situation and has recognized that “a floating text string” appears on the players’ screens. They claim to be working on a solution that they hope to implement as soon as possible.

Of course, they warn the community that the best thing at this time is to avoid broadcasting the game if you are suffering from this error . They will communicate any news as soon as they can.

We are aware of the issue where a floating text string appears on the screen and are investigating. Thanks for the reports!

Please refrain from streaming for now if you have this problem. We will update when this issue has been resolved.

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