LivingA dad calms his crying baby by giving him...

A dad calms his crying baby by giving him a used mommy's t-shirt

Something quite incredible was discovered a few years ago: Babies are born knowing the smell of their mothers thanks to amniotic fluid . They are born with a highly developed sense of smell precisely to ensure food, and that is why women are always recommended not to put perfumes or colognes on the chest or neck, so as not to mask their body odor.

To show a button. This video is going viral because it shows what I just explained, that babies know their mother by her smell and, when they perceive it, they think and feel that mother is there. It’s a video of a dad who calms his baby down by giving him a used mommy’s shirt .

The baby was left alone with dad

As we read in DailyMail, he was three months old when the father was left alone in the care of his son. At one point, the baby began to fidget, to cry, looking for mother, and the man began to do everything possible to calm him down.

We do not know how long it was, we do not know if he took him in his arms or not, if he walked him, if he sang a song, if he rocked him, if he changed his diaper, yes … come on: we do not know if he did what a father has to do when his son cries, so we do not know if it was the first or the last resort.

The fact is that a friend even suggested that he take a used shirt from his wife and put it on her face , and he was the first surprised when he saw that it worked.

Is your nose really such?

That’s how it is. They come prepared with such a survival instinct that they cling to their mother’s scent as if their life depended on them (well, in fact, their lives are practically going to them, especially if they live in countries with little security or few resources). So that you can see some samples of its capabilities I leave you some examples:

  • If a woman washes one of the two breasts, the baby will prefer to suckle on the other, the one that maintains the body odor.
  • If an object with the scent of its mother is placed on one side and an object with the scent of another woman is placed on the other, the baby turns its head towards the one that preserves the scent of its mother.
  • When a breastfed baby is hungry at night, he is able, even without light, to go to the breast and begin to suckle guided by his smell.

So now we know why this little guy calmed down. The question is if the calm lasted long, since at some point he would realize that Mom was not there. Likewise, the ideal situation is that, in the absence of the mother, the father puts on her shirt so that, in addition to the smell, he has arms that take care of him.

In Babies and more | The absurdity of leaving your baby sleeping alone with a stuffed animal, your voice on a tape recorder and something that smells like mom, The smell of the baby and the smell of a mother

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