EntertainmentGames'A Song of Ice and Fire' will have its...

'A Song of Ice and Fire' will have its own video games

Fate has wanted this news to occur just when a few days ago I started reading ‘Game of Thrones’, the first book in the ‘A Song of Ice and Fire ‘ saga created by the many-time award-winning George RR Martin .

And no, the news is not that I am reading the book, but that the French developer Cyanide has announced that it has reached an exclusive agreement with the writer through which the company secures the exploitation rights of the franchise for the creation of video games, based on novels, for consoles and PC.

Cyanide’s Patrick Pligersdorffer commented:

“We are fans of A Song of Ice and Fire, so it is a real honor for us to produce video games inspired by this work of art. The structure of the script will allow us to satisfy both the fans of the license and potential new followers “

The first of the games is already in development in one of its studios in Paris or Montreal and, although they have not offered dates or more specific data, it is assumed that the first game will be based on the first book, ‘Game of Thrones’, the first of the seven deliveries scheduled to be published, of which there are only four on the market at the moment.

Cyanide, for those who do not sound too familiar, are, in addition to a Metallica song, those responsible for games such as ‘Runaway 2 DS’, the series ‘Pro Cycling Manager’ or ‘Loki’, among other games.

Undoubtedly more than excellent news that will cheer up fantasy and video game lovers for a good time, like this one that he writes to you.

Via | Eurogamer

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