EconomyFinancialAccording to Profeco, this is the best life insurance...

According to Profeco, this is the best life insurance for Mexicans

The daily hustle and bustle of life between going to work, the children’s school, caring for family members, give rise to the need to allocate part of the income to the acquisition of life insurance that can be used in cases in which the person who acquires it dies or suffers an accident that makes it impossible for him to continue with the maintenance or family care.

The Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco) offers a series of recommendations to choose the best option at different stages of life, from when you are single and independent to adulthood.

What is a insurance of life?

It is a financial instrument by which an insured sum is given for death, disability or survival due to an accident.

How to hire it and what to take into account

With an insurer, where the sum insured is determined, the premium, where your personal data is detailed.

There are different types of coverage, the main ones are for death and disability.

types of insurance

You can add the following situations:

*Terminal disease
*Funeral expenses
*Serious diseases

How to designate your beneficiaries

If you are single and self-employed: would your parents be affected if you become unable to work or if you die?

  • Married and without children: Take into account if your partner can cover the expenses in case of absence.
  • Family with newborn children: Increase the sum insured or take out a spousal policy.
  • Family with children who study: Check options to guarantee their education.
  • Family with young children: Adjust coverage and the sum insured so as not to be overinsured.
  • Retired: If any of your beneficiaries has died, you must modify it.

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