NewsAlien hype after UFO sightings: Astronaut calls it the...

Alien hype after UFO sightings: Astronaut calls it the "peak of stupidity"

In the US, a Congress report on UFOs is expected. The astronaut Chris Hadfield criticizes the resulting alien hype.

USA – So far, humans have not been able to find any evidence of intelligent extraterrestrial life. But there are more and more followers: inside the myth that there is evidence of living beings from other planets. Others even go a step further and claim the aliens are already among us.

UFO sightings and conspiracy theories reinforce this myth. Some UFO believers take the sightings as evidence of aliens visiting Earth with their spaceships. This theory is particularly widespread in the United States; in a poll by the Gallup polling institute, a third of those questioned stated that some of the sightings were visits from space.

UFO sightings in the USA: report aims to educate about aliens

In addition to reports from “laypeople”, there are always reports of aliens from soldiers in the US military. The US Congress wants to clarify what exactly is behind the sightings via a comprehensive UFO report. The “Unidetified Aerial Phenomena Task Force” of the US intelligence service Office of Naval Intelligence has been collecting, analyzing and cataloging sightings since August 2020. Congress expects the report to be published in June 2021.

Der Astronaut Chris Hadfield kritisiert den Alien-Hype nach Ufo-Sichtungen. (Archivbild)


Astronaut Chris Hadfield criticizes the alien hype after UFO sightings. (Archive image)

The US military has already confirmed that there have been observations in the sky that cannot yet be explained. There are also recordings of these UFO sightings. The movements and trajectories of the mysterious objects are faster and more maneuverable than anything that exists in the US military itself, even said former President Barack Obama on the Late Late Show on the US broadcaster CBS.

But former astronaut Chris Hadfield believes that these UFO observations are immediately equated with aliens. In an interview with the Canadian CBC radio, he called the alien hype the “peak of stupidity”. He himself was able to observe countless phenomena in the sky that he could not explain. “But to see something in the sky that you don’t understand and then immediately come to the conclusion that it is intelligent life from another solar system, is the height of stupidity and lack of logic.”

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Astronaut criticizes UFO hype: So far no evidence of life in space

First of all, a UFO is just an “unidentified flying object”. Many of the sightings were probably just weather phenomena, some are fake, others possibly top-secret military exercises. Canadian Chris Hadfield stated in his interview: “Up to this point we have definitely not found evidence of life anywhere but on earth.”

Given the unimaginable size of the universe, it seems impossible to ever firmly claim that we humans are alone in space. But assuming someone or something is watching us is a pipe dream for the renowned astronaut Hadfield. With many UFO supporters and alien believers, the principle remains: “I want to believe”. (Sebastian Richter)

Rubriklistenbild: © JMH-Galaxy Contact via www.imago

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