EntertainmentGamesAnalysis of Capcom Arcade Stadium, the authentic experience of...

Analysis of Capcom Arcade Stadium, the authentic experience of playing in arcades made a video game

There is a confessed and all too common dream among those of us who have grown up in the golden age of arcades: to have one room – or more – dedicated entirely to video games that obsessed us . Proper names elevated to the status of cult games such as Street Fighter II, Final Fight or Ghouls n Ghosts. Great games that have not lost their original shine.

Classics in which we put the few coins we had in our pockets or, failing that, we fantasized about playing watching in the second row, sometimes from the lever of Player 2 and other swirled in a group around an arcade cabinet. Hopefully, waiting for his turn. A dream that, after too many attempts, experiments and compilations over the last few years, Capcom has fulfilled through Capcom Arcade Stadium.

With a simple button we can choose between the ROM in English and Japanese

Because what differentiates the new selection of arcades from the Osaka company from all the collections released to date, and they have not been few, is not the mere number of games or their rarity, but the way in which it manages to convey the sensation to be in our own arcade with titles that we can enjoy with up to four players, weekly events and global leaderboards.

In fact, not only we have rigged the coin slot to play whatever we want, missing more, but at the start the game we will feel in our own arcade room through a brand new selection of customization options that elevate the experience to the next level and that, by the way, take a masterful advantage of the design itself and the possibilities of Nintendo Switch.

Thus, Capcom Arcade Stadium goes beyond being the umpteenth attempt by the Blue Bomber company to capitalize on its generous legacy in arcades and is strongly committed to offering an experience that will exceed the expectations of the nostalgic and, in the process, spice up each game with tons of options so that we really have a good time in our particular arcade. Either through advantages, allowing us to add new layers of challenges and difficulty or, even, combining both at the same time.

And best of all, the way Capcom Arcade Stadium is laid out makes it a selection of games that are offered in a modular way. So if we are not interested in all the games, we can get a dozen machines for a very attractive price or bet on getting the entire batch (more than 30 games) for the usual starting price of any collection of classics.

When we are not playing, the screens show the demos of each game

As a reference, getting all the machines will cost us a little more than one euro per game and each game including the Japanese and American versions . Although, in fairness, if the only thing that interests you is the Street Fighter saga, for example, you will find other options with a sweet tooth.

Is this a new reason to buy Super Street Fighter II Turbo? In fairness, the real triumph of Capcom Arcade Stadium is how it makes nostalgia a part of the gaming experience itself. Resisting from the beginning that we see it as a handful of ROMs gathered in an attractive interface.

1943 is one of the games best enjoyed with the screen vertically

Inviting us to turn the city of Mad Gear upside down once again, sharing the game and, in the process, encouraging them to something that seemed obsolete: that we achieve the best score.

Capcom Arcade Stadium: The Authentic Capcom Arcade Experience

We can configure each arcade cabinet to taste, a detail

Let’s start with what we already know: Over the past few decades, Capcom has built a well-deserved reputation for doing too many revisions, re-releases, and batches of its greatest hits. And it doesn’t look like it’s going to change in the near future. But, of course, in the end they are so attractive that it is impossible that they do not make you siren songs. The gaming experience that Capcom Arcade Stadium offers is subtly different.

Not that Capcom rebuilt the games or polished or tampered with their original content or designs. In fact, if we get to face Sagat in the penultimate fight of Street Fighter II we will continue to see that annoying palm tree in the right corner that was conveniently removed in all editions and later versions. There must be a reason.

Where is Sagat?

In this regard, the original ROMs of each game, both those from the United States and Japan, look practically the same as the originals and are almost identical to those included in other compilations. Which does not mean that there are nuances and changes that do not go unnoticed.

In fact, the most notorious of all is the disappearance of the image of the Rising Sun on the stage of E. Honda of the three Street Fighter II titles included in the lot.

Capcom Arcade Stadium screenshot with normal screen settings and custom borders

Removing the central mosaic of the Honda stage and the shadows of the fighters, the finish of the game at Capcom Arcade Stadium is exactly the same as the perfect conversion included in the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection.

Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection screenshot with borders

On the other hand, the rest of the games look better than ever . It is even possible to notice differences (for the better) between the version of Final Fight offered at Capcom Arcade Stadium and the one that was included in the recent Capcom Beat’em Up Bundle. Including loose item finishes or color in case we use original settings.

Capcom Arcade Stadium screenshot with normal screen settings and custom borders

In this regard, Capcom’s new compendium dedicated to its arcade legacy brings out the colors of its selection of classics from me versus the neighborhood. Although, as we will see later, there are nuances that – in their own way – balance the balance.

Capcom Beat’em Up Bundle Capture

With the above in mind, Capcom Arcade Stadium brings added value to the set by introducing more visual and configuration options than any other arcade compilation released to date. Both by Capcom itself and by any other company.

Progear, a true rarity that came out in 2001

  • First of all, because the default view corresponds to the perspective of being in front of an arcade , which has been created through the RE Engine (the engine of the Resident Evil saga). Giving us the option to alternate between several models and even choose its color in any game.

And by giving a button we can apply the settings to all the games

  • Of course, in addition to different views, we can choose from a wide and generous selection of sets, frames and filters that replicate CRT monitor lines, RGB pixels or curved screens. We can even make different combinations. To which we must add different sizes (from the original to filling the screen) and backgrounds.

Vulgus, Capcom’s first video game, with the image orientation to the right becomes a horizontal scrolling shooter

  • And what is most interesting of all: we can rotate the image on the screen or only the game itself . The definitive way to experience vertical scroll shooters whether we turn our TV or monitor or play on a laptop, but also to experience the classics with new perspectives. How to play Vulgus in Horizontal Scroll.

Some of the different options to play with the image vertically. A genius

  • What’s more, we can even configure the screen to show us the entire furniture and put it vertically . And yes, the keys and sticks of the cabinet (which we can customize or choose a model) move following our instructions even if we have not yet inserted a coin.

No other compilation of arcade and arcade classics offers so many exciting options when it comes to playing arcade classics. And the game sensations are unbeatable. Which brings us to the most important point about Capcom Arcade Stadium: what is your game selection like?

A resounding selection of games, although with notable absences

While we agree that delivering the best gaming experience is essential, the true value of the package is manifested in the machines that Capcom makes available to us. Thus, Capcom Arcade Stadium offers up to a total of 32 titles among which we find essential classics, true rarities and, of course, historical milestones of the Osaka company.

In this regard, Capcom itself has broken the deck with respect to the usual format and has borrowed concepts from Capcom Arcade Cabinet , its previous attempt to bring arcade games to consoles:

  • To start with, the Capcom Arcade Stadium download is free and includes the title 1943 The Battle of Midway at no additional cost. The Osaka company is literally giving away its classic shoot ’em up and through it showcasing the game’s arcade experience.
  • On the other hand, in case you have one or more of the games, three thematic lots are offered separated by eras: the dawn of the arcades includes games released between 1984 and 1988, the evolution of the arcades includes the stage between 1989 and 1992, and the arcade revolution takes us to the releases of the new millennium.
  • In any case, each lot is made up of ten games -including their American and Japanese ROMS- and their price is 14.99 euros . Although it is not possible to purchase the titles separately, we are talking about 1.49 euros per game.
  • Finally, in case we want to get the three batches and 32 games, the full version of Capcom Arcade Stadium is valued at 39.99 euros , so that to the previous titles we must add the timeless classic Ghosts’ n Goblins as claim added.

All bundles include essential games and at least one rarity. Titles that did not reach the West or experiences that had not been previously brought to consoles or home systems.

Logically, the interesting thing about the idea is that if we are only interested in what is offered in a batch we will not have to pay more, being a great relationship between games, format and price.

With that in mind, the selection of games from each batch of Capcom Arcade Stadium is as follows:

Capcom Arcade Stadium Pack 1: Dawn of the Arcades (’84 – ’88)

A selection that starts from Capcom’s first video game, the mythical Vulgus, and among which stand out action games such as Commando and Section Z, the classic 1942 shooter or the challenging Bionic Commando and Ghouls’ n Ghosts.

  • Vulgus
  • Pirate Ship HIGEMARU
  • 1942
  • Commando
  • Section Z
  • Tatakai no Banka
  • Legendary Wings
  • Bionic Commando
  • Forgotten Worlds
  • Ghouls ‘n Ghosts

Capcom Arcade Stadium Pack 2 : Arcade Revolution (’89 – ’92)

Capcom’s most inspired stage is crowned with the classic Street Fighter II. Of course, the king of the arcades does not overshadow other jewels such as Final Fight, the Beat’em Ups mold, the outstanding Captain Commando or Strider’s intense side-scrolling action proposal.

  • Strider
  • Dynasty Wars
  • Final Fight
  • 1941 – Counter Attack –
  • Senjo no OkamiⅡ
  • Mega Twins
  • Carrier Air Wing
  • Street Fighter II: The World Warrior
  • Captain Commando
  • VARTH: Operation Thunderstorm

Capcom Arcade Stadium Pack 3 : The evolution of arcades (’92 – ’01)

The third of the lots is, perhaps, the most delicate selection, and not because of its content. Street Fighter II Turbo, Battle Circuit and 1944: The Loop Master give weight to a set that does not shine as brightly as the previous ones by missing essential CPS2 and CPS3 plates.

  • Warriors of Fate
  • Street Fighter II’ – Hyper Fighting –
  • Super Street Fighter II TURBO
  • Powered Gear: Strategic Variant Armor Equipment –
  • CYBERBOTS: Fullmetal Madness
  • 19XX: The War Against Destiny
  • Battle Circuit
  • Giga Wing
  • 1944: The Loop Master
  • Progear

The easy and wrong thing would be to make a list with all the games that deserved a place in the third batch, of course. From a DarkStalkers installment to Street Fighter III Third Strike itself. And that, without getting into Marvel, LucasFilm or Dungeons & Dragons licenses.

However, seen from a complete perspective, Capcom Arcade Stadium manages to shine in the four essential genres on which its own game proposal is based: fighting, beat’em ups, shoot ’em up and side scrolling action. And not only that: his way of encouraging us to play is outstanding.

Much more than a gathering of classics: an arcade with tailor-made experiences

As we discussed at the beginning, Capcom Arcade Stadium is not a simple collection of games, but an experience that seeks to replicate the sensations of the arcade and, in the process, invite us to explore, rediscover and express its rich arcade legacy. Its greatest triumph is the way of differentiating itself from the usual compilations, and that is where CASPO comes into play.

As soon as we set foot in our digital arcade, we will see boards with ratings from around the world . Some of them focused on specific games and others at a general level. The best? the way to join the tables and climb positions is basically to play and get CASPO. Toss coins into any game and enjoy it how we want. And there are an awful lot of options.

Special challenges reward extra points and have specific conditions

  • From the outset, Capcom organizes special challenge events on specific games that rotate every so often. A way to generate extra points and, in the process, invite us to rediscover arcades beyond our favorites.

Bonus stages do not stop the timer in time trial mode

  • In addition, along with the classic games, we are invited to participate in challenges against the clock , a timed arcade mode that will preserve our best records.

A bad jump? rewind. Too many enemies? speed down

  • And the thing does not end there: if we want to play in casual mode or increase the degree of difficulty we can do it on the fly by rewinding the game or speeding up the pace. In addition to difficulty levels, all games have up to five speeds.

Infinite coins and tons of ways to customize the difficulty – great combination

  • In this aspect, the possibilities of customizing the games are to take off your hat : we can reduce the speed of the game or increase the extra lives. Even accommodate the score required to earn one more life.

The manuals breathe an extra nostalgia into the whole

  • Last but not least, all the games include their own manual elaborated for the occasion and that preserves with exquisite taste the style of the booklets that accompanied the cartridges and games of the 90s. A great detail.

In this way, Capcom Arcade Stadium introduces superb nuances to the arcade experience you seek and achieve, rounding out the value of each title as a whole and separately and inviting us to leave our mark on the boards of the colossal arcade hall on a global scale that has released alongside the game itself.

Special mention to essential aspects today, such as the ability to save and load games whenever we want (we have 32 save slots in total), different game settings and even the option to separate games by genre and establish our own category of games. favorites.

You can save up to 32 games and even block the slots so as not to lose them by mistake

Which does not mean that he has not forgotten about the cooperative experiences: all the game ROMS retain their original local multiplayer system, so that we can play doubles in Street Fighter II , take turns in lives in Strider games or play with up to four controllers and players to Captain Commando.

There are games that deserve to be played on the big screen

That said, there is a single nuance that is lost to the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection, Capcom Beat’em Up Bundle or other newer collections from Capcom and other arcade titans: none of the titles offer online multiplayer or a mode Traditional Versus. Some will miss it and others, possibly, not so much.

Capcom Arcade Stadium is a must for all arcade nostalgics and the ultimate way to tackle classics that are part of video game history alongside true rarities. A love letter to a way of experiencing video games that refuses to be considered a mere compilation of games.

We can agree that there are very loud absences. Especially when it comes to game selection after the Street Fighter II phenomenon. But in return, the set of titles knows how to offer the player a sensational balance of gaming experiences and genres.

If we play with the Japanese ROMs we will see versions without censorship and with the original names

And in the process, Capcom Arcade Stadium knows how to be generous when it comes to options and settings. Very successful ways of making us rediscover and enjoy for the umpteenth time those classics that are part of our life or overcome once and for all those that we leave halfway for missing a sad coin.

A must mention how good Capcom Arcade Stadium feels on Nintendo Switch . Not only because of its portability options, but also because of the game that it gives to four Joy Cons or the exceptional versatility that puts the console’s own screen vertically in shooters designed to be enjoyed that way.

With this game booth it is a pleasure to discover little “resurrected” games like Pirate Ship HIGEMARU

After all, Switch is a sensational console : beyond the magic of its exclusives, its catalog is robust thanks to having become the epicenter of impossible conversions and the new bastion of the indies. Best of all, Nintendo’s two-in-one console is the ultimate haven for cult classics.

Because we have gotten used to recovering on Switch pixelated jewels born on the NES and SNES, the arcade conversions of Hamster and the SEGA AGES label, the SEGA, Konami or Namco compilations and Capcom itself. But what Capcom Arcade Stadium offers and the way in which it offers it is exceptional and, in addition, it fits like a glove on the Nintendo console.

We doubt that Capcom Arcade Stadium is Capcom’s latest compilation around his legacy. What’s more, we are clear that we still have to know some subtly updated edition of Street Fighter II . However, the way it fulfills the dream of an entire generation who grew up in arcade is not only what makes Capcom Arcade Stadium different, it is what makes it a must see.

Capcom Arcade Stadium

Capcom Arcade Stadium

Platforms Nintendo Switch (analyzed version). Coming soon to Xbox, PS4 and PC
Multiplayer Yes
Developer Capcom
Company Capcom
Launch February 18, 2021
Price free download with paid packs

The best

  • 32 great classics and rarities that span all genres
  • Full of new features, adjustments and game options
  • His way of transmitting arcade sensations beyond games


  • No online multiplayer
  • Notable absences of key sagas

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