Do you usually pay with a credit or debit card for your gasoline loads? The National Guard and the Mexican Association of Stock Market Intermediaries (AMIB) warn of a new fraud at service stations.
Fraud is the most frequent crime since the pandemic, since until the end of last year more than 76,000 complaints had been registered with the Condusef.
During the National Cybersecurity Week, the authorities and representatives of the private sector warned that there have been cases in which, when paying by card, the operators record the card numbers, the PIN and the expiration date by voice or cameras.
“(The) gas station operators bring a recorder and what they do is that when they charge you with the card, they turn it over, they see all the codes and they recite the card numbers on the expiration date,” said Juan José Luis Cisneros, president of the Security Council of the Mexican Association of Stock Market Intermediaries (AMIB).
Until the end of August, Mexicans have made 354.2 million payments with credit and debit cards, according to figures from the Bank of Mexico (Banxico).
Tips to avoid bank fraud
So that criminals do not clone or obtain your card data, it is important that you never let go of your plastic. Whether you are in a restaurant or at the same gas station, always ask that the point of sale terminal be brought to you and never share your passwords.
Remember that no bank or fintech requests the personal data of its clients to verify your accounts or charges.
Before throwing away any document, check that it does not have personal or banking information that could compromise your account.