NewsAttempted arson attack on vaccination center in Saxony

Attempted arson attack on vaccination center in Saxony

Corona deniers and vaccination opponents have been mobilizing against vaccination centers and vaccination teams for a long time. In Saxony, hostility has now reached a new dimension. An attack is only possible if you are lucky.

Treuen / Dresden – The vaccination center in Treuen, Saxony, has been the target of an arson attack. According to the police, it remained in one attempt.

As the Zwickau police department announced, strangers threw three beer bottles with a flammable liquid against a roller door of the facility on Tuesday evening. The police suspect ethanol, but an exact analysis is still pending. The incendiary devices did not ignite, so no fire broke out. People weren’t hurt. According to the police, there is no significant damage. The vaccination center in the Vogtland district was in regular operation on Wednesday.

No trace of the perpetrators

According to police spokesman Jan Meinel, the police used a helicopter and thermal imaging cameras to search for the perpetrators. So far, however, there is no trace of them. Witnesses are now to be questioned. The property was secured by a security service. The alleged perpetrators had waited a time when the patrol was on the other side of the building, it said. They are said to have escaped in a car.

The police are looking for a red car that is said to have been driving towards Auerbach at the time of the crime. According to witness statements, at least two people were sitting in the car. According to the Ministry of the Interior in Dresden, the Police Terrorism and Extremism Defense Center of the State Criminal Police Office has now taken over the investigation.

Such an incident has not yet occurred at the vaccination center in Treuen, said the spokesman. At the beginning of the year it was smeared with the word “poison”. It is one of 13 vaccination centers in Saxony. Like all other such facilities in the Free State, it is scheduled to close at the end of September.

Brandanschlag auf Impfzentrum in Sachsen


Beer bottles as a weapon: Fortunately, the self-made incendiary devices of the unknown perpetrators did not cause any major damage.

Saxony’s Minister of Social Affairs, Petra Köpping (SPD), condemned the attack as a heinous act. “I am very relieved that no employees were harmed. You are committed every day to enable people with the corona vaccination to protect them from serious illness, “she told the German Press Agency and spoke of a new escalation level after there had previously been repeated verbal attacks on mobile vaccination teams. During a vaccination campaign at the vocational school center in Zittau, protests by anti-vaccination campaigners led to tumultuous scenes on Tuesday.

Violent attacks by opponents of vaccinations

Corona deniers and critics of protective measures had repeatedly mobilized against vaccination in the past. According to the Thuringia Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, two medical assistants were recently injured in an attack in Gera. According to this, a man had requested a vaccination certificate from them, but did not want to be vaccinated. When the staff refused to give him the certificate, he hit her. They had to go to the hospital.

Elsewhere too, criticism of vaccination resulted in violence. In April there was an attack with Molotov cocktails on a vaccination center in the northern Italian city of Brescia. There were also attacks in France. dpa

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