LivingBacteria in breast milk change over time to strengthen...

Bacteria in breast milk change over time to strengthen babies' immunity and metabolism

As we know, the bacteria that mothers transmit through breastfeeding protect the baby from the risk of developing certain diseases, since they help the maturation of their immune system, among many other benefits.

Now, a recent study has found that those “good” bacteria found in breast milk change over time, helping to strengthen the baby’s immunity and metabolism .

Published in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology , the study aimed to better understand how beneficial bacteria present in breast milk function over time.

Although in recent years there have been several discoveries about the benefits of this type of bacteria that reach the baby through breastfeeding, it is a subject about which there is still much to discover and understand.

According to this new research, the composition of bacteria present in breast milk changes over time . In this particular study, this composition was analyzed up to six months of lactation.

The results of their analysis show that these “good” bacteria change significantly, and it is believed that they could function as a kind of booster shot to protect the baby’s metabolism and strengthen its immunity .

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Via | EurekAlert
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