LivingTravelBest time to visit Thailand

Best time to visit Thailand

The best time to go to Thailand is during the dry season, which runs roughly from November to April. Unsurprisingly, this is, unfortunately, the country’s busiest time as well, as masses of visitors arrive to take advantage of the dry weather between the monsoon seasons.

Depending on where you are, the rain during Thailand’s monsoon season can be as nondisruptive as an afternoon shower to cool things off. On the other hand, some storms can rage for days and cause flooding in some areas. Rain appears unexpectedly even during Thailand’s dry season, and you’ll still find plenty of places to visit during the monsoon months. One benefit of traveling during Thailand’s low season is that you will have to fight fewer crowds and can get better accommodation deals in popular destinations.

Best time to visit Bangkok

The best time to visit Bangkok will depend in part on the sites you expect to see. In general, May to November is a good time to visit due to low rainfall, this season falls in the shoulder season of the wet months. In general, December to February are the coldest months with the lowest humidity.

Bangkok is typically scorching throughout the year; You’ll want loose-fitting clothing made of breathable materials and open shoes like flip flops. Thunderstorms appear in the evenings during the wet season, sometimes flooding the streets.

September is typically the rainiest month in Bangkok. Low-lying areas around Bangkok near the Chao Phraya River are prone to flooding during very wet monsoon seasons, while pollution in Bangkok keeps humidity very high throughout the year.

Best time to visit Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai experiences pleasant and mild weather from November to mid-February, making it one of the best times to visit. Not surprisingly, this season is the peak tourist season, so you can expect more crowds and higher prices for hotels, but the weather makes it worth the extra hassle. Temperatures can drop below 70 degrees Fahrenheit at night in Chiang Mai during the fall and even lower during the year.

Although Chiang Mai is relatively cooler and milder than the rest of the country thanks to the elevation, pollution from the city’s traffic traps moisture during the hot months of March and April. Dust and wildfires cause poor air quality in March and April around Chiang Mai and northern Thailand. The fires are an annual event that the government has not been able to control. People with asthma or allergies to smoke or dust will be better off visiting at a different time of year, perhaps during the rainy season when the air is cleaner.

Climate in the Thai islands

The climate on the Thai islands is affected by more than just the time of year; Storms at sea can bring rain even during dry months.

Rain starts around April and subsides in October on the west coast of the Andaman Sea islands, such as Koh Lanta and Phuket. Islands like Koh Tao and Koh Phangan in the Gulf of Thailand have the most rain between October and January. Some islands, like Koh Lanta, practically close during the monsoon season. While you will still be able to arrange transportation there, your food and accommodation options could be very limited.

Temperatures in January and February are pleasantly warm, but then rise to scorching heat in late April, just before the monsoon starts. Monsoon rains start around May or early June and last until November. Traveling during the monsoon season is unpredictable, but you will be able to enjoy some places in Thailand with little rain or only occasional storms. Northern Thailand generally receives less rain than the south during the monsoon season.

Busy season and festivals in Thailand

The Christmas and New Years holidays tend to draw large crowds to Bangkok, then the peak season rises steadily from January onwards. Chinese New Year (which takes place in January or February) is another very busy time as many people travel to Thailand for the 15-day vacation.

An unofficial busy season hits the islands of Thailand around June, as many college students from Europe and Australia party on islands like Koh Tao, Koh Phangan, and Koh Phi Phi. The islands settle down again for a bit after the students finish their summer vacation.

Thailand’s biggest festivals tend to send accommodation prices skyrocketing, and transportation fills up before and after the celebration.

Chiang Mai is the epicenter of Songkran, the Thai New Year and the water festival, a huge event held from April 13-15. Accommodation and transportation are fully booked both before and immediately after the festival.

The Haad Rin area of Koh Phangan in the Gulf of Thailand draws huge crowds of revelers each month bound for the famous Full Moon Party; accommodation around Haad Rin reaches maximum capacity. Be sure to plan your visit around the dates of the Full Moon Party.

The Loi Krathong and Yi Peng festivals (change of dates; usually in November) draw a sizeable crowd to Chiang Mai; the transport is completely stuck.


Asia is one of the hottest months in Thailand, but it is also quite dry. Expect large crowds at most tourist attractions, as well as higher prices.

Events to watch:

  • Songkran, the traditional Thai New Year festival, takes place on April 13. It’s a trademark for a great water fight on the streets, a great way to cool off.


If you don’t mind the rain and heat, you can find a deal by visiting Thailand during the summer. In Chiang Mai, the monsoons peak in August, while in Bangkok temperatures can exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Still, summer is a popular time for college students to visit the islands.

Events to watch:

  • The amazing Thailand Big Sale takes place every summer and is sponsored by the country’s tourism authority. Stores cut prices by more than 80 percent.
  • The queen’s birthday is August 12, which also serves as Mother’s Day in Thailand. A candlelight ceremony takes place in the evening.


Autumn in Thailand can be quite humid, but the crowds are less, the temperatures are a bit cooler, and the off-season discounts can make a trip more affordable. Be aware that fall flooding is still a problem in most cities!

Events to watch:

  • During Loi Krathong and Yi Peng, fire-powered lanterns are thrown into the sky in Chiang Mai.
  • Visit the strange Phuket Vegetarian Festival in September. The unique event is actually part of the Nine God Emperor Taoist Festival.


As the monsoon season progresses, the crowds draw closer. Winter is a great time to visit, but more crowds and higher prices are expected across the country.

Events to watch:

  • December 5 is the birthday of the King of Thailand, which is celebrated throughout the country.
  • Don’t miss the full moon Christmas party at Haad Rin on the island of Koh Phangan.

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