LivingTravelBilbao to Burgos

Bilbao to Burgos

On this page you will discover how to get from Bilbao to Burgos by various means of transport.

Bilbao to Burgos by car

The fastest way to get from Bilbao to Burgos is by private car. The trip takes about an hour and a half, following the AP-68 and AP-1 highways. Please note that these are toll roads. Compare prices from various car rental companies here: Car rental price comparison

Bilbao to Burgos by train

The train from Bilbao to Burgos takes between two and three hours, depending on the train. The trips cost about 25 euros. You can book here: Train tickets in Spain (book directly)

Bilbao to Burgos by bus

The bus from Bilbao to Burgos takes about three hours and costs about 12 euros. You can book most buses in Spain through Movelia . If you have problems with this website, please try to book this particular bus through ALSA .

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How to get from Bilbao airport to Bilbao and San Sebastián

Bilbao airport is the main hub for airlines flying to the Basque Country (although there are now some flights to San Sebastian airport).
