Living'Breastfeeding: the true meaning of breastfeeding', a documentary that...

'Breastfeeding: the true meaning of breastfeeding', a documentary that shows how important and valuable breastfeeding is

Breastfeeding is not just the act of breastfeeding a baby during its first months or years of life. Also, it is an act of love, in which the bond between mother and child is strengthened, providing great and wonderful benefits for both of them that only an experience like that can give them.

It is definitely a topic that is important and necessary to know and share, and for this reason Edulacta, an online training school for breastfeeding, has presented the new documentary entitled ‘Breastfeeding: the true meaning of breastfeeding’ . We share it with you, and we tell you everything about this beautiful project that shows us how important and valuable breastfeeding is.

Pilar Martínez and Ruth Giménez Martín are the entrepreneurs behind Edulacta and who had the initiative to create this documentary, which took them more than two years to make. We speak with Pilar, who shares with us how this process was and what we can expect from seeing it.

How did the idea of making a documentary on breastfeeding come about?

The idea basically arose out of the need for information. We were aware that a project like this was necessary, nobody had ever done it , so we rolled the blanket over our heads and we did it (we are a little crazy).

How long did it take you to do it?

We have been working on this project for more than two years because we wanted to do things well, contact all the relevant people who we wanted to participate in the documentary, then we had to repeat some recordings and in the end the project has taken a long time. We jokingly say that it was much worse than a childbirth, but it was still worth it haha

Is it intended for or directed solely at nursing mothers?

No not at all. In fact, it is designed for the whole world to see, not only people interested in breastfeeding (health professionals or nursing mothers) but also the rest of the people who are going to interact with these mothers, so that they see the importance of what they are doing when breastfeeding your children .

What can they expect or how does it benefit mothers and pregnant women? What information can we find within the documentary?

In the documentary we have tried to cover all the important aspects related to breastfeeding . The documentary makes a review of the history of breastfeeding to understand where we come from and what is the current situation about breastfeeding that we have in Western society and, more specifically, in Spain.

Topics such as childbirth, wet nurses, early support groups, breastfeeding myths, the importance of breastfeeding emotionally and nutritionally, the code of substitutes, support for mothers by society, health workers and their health are covered. role in breastfeeding, the figure of counselors and IBCLCs, information about breastfeeding on the net or the influence of blogs.

Is there any special detail or anecdote that you would like to share about the making of the documentary?

For example, I tell you that on the first day of recording we had to record Dr. Paricio, because we wanted him to be the common thread of the documentary. He lent himself delighted and with a smile, but it was hellishly hot and we couldn’t have the air conditioning because the sound technician said that noise was heard in the recording, so the poor man spent almost three hours recording with horrible heat and without a complaint. Of course, we had to stop every so often for him to drink water haha

A documentary for everyone, not just for mothers

As Pilar tells us, this documentary is not only of interest to mothers who are giving or are about to breastfeed their babies, but also to all the people who are close to them and society in general, since breastfeeding is an act of love that we must all support, and the best way to do it is by informing ourselves and understanding the true value it has for everyone .

You can see the full documentary in the video player below, or by entering the Edulacta website.

Photo | iStock
More information | Edulacta
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