LivingBurundanga: what does it do to the body?

Burundanga: what does it do to the body?

The burundanga, known in scientific jargon as scopolamine, has among its most common effects the ability to override the will of those who consume and lack of memories after poisoning. In addition, it is difficult to detect because the body metabolizes and expels the substance without leaving a trace within hours of being ingested.

The burundanga is a drug tropánico type alkaloid that generate certain plant species after making your metabolic process. This substance has hallucinogenic effects and causes symptoms such as sleepiness, submission, hypertension and even in large doses, respiratory and cardiac deficiencies.

One of the characteristics of the burundanga is the speed with which it acts . This is due to the fact that, when ingested – be it orally, respiratory or cutaneously – it has a great facility to cross the protective barrier – blood-brain barrier – between the blood vessels of the brain and the cerebral tissues. It is your gateway to the brain, and therefore takes control of the central and peripheral nervous system.

How does this drug affect the nervous system?

The central nervous system performs conscious and unconscious functions. Burundanga conscious operations affects the formation of thoughts or memories. Likewise, it also influences reflex actions: in this sense we speak of sleep and the activity of some organs such as the heart.

With regard to the peripheral system, burundanga affects, among others, the control of respiration, digestion and saliva production. Not forgetting voluntary movements, including the defense response to a dangerous situation.

How does burundanga work in the brain?

When burundanga is activated, its first objective is to cause a malfunction in neurotransmitters , such as serotonin. These chemical compounds are responsible for generating the connections that are made in our brain, they create links between neurons to understand the reality that surrounds us. In addition to suppressing the production of neurotransmitters, it also blocks them, so the person’s will is overridden.

This process is also the cause of effects such as drowsiness, semi-consciousness, and amnesia.

On the other hand, being under the effects of burundanga, its regulatory functions, which we carry out automatically, are also conditioned. One of the most serious repercussions is that the heart stops working normally , causing, among other disorders, arrhythmias or ventricular fibrillation.

What effects does it have on the rest of the body?

The brain is the main control organ, from it the orders come out so that our organism works correctly. As its functioning is not adequate, the peripheral nervous system also suffers.

In this regard, one of the most serious disorders affects the pulmonary system, which in the event of poor coordination can cause respiratory arrest if the amount of burundanga consumed is very high.

It also causes the inability to make complex decisions such as running or defending, since the peripheral system does not know how to react to the incorrect interpretation of the brain to the stimuli that come from outside.

The burundanga remains in the blood approximately 15-30 minutes after being consumed and its traces in the urine disappears in about 12 hours, so it is very difficult to detect. Although it can be administered orally or through the skin, its action is faster when inhaled.

These characteristics make burundanga a dangerous drug both due to the cancellation of the will of the person who is intoxicated and because of its complexity to be detected. In addition, the amnesia and the confusion that it produces makes it difficult to remember who has consumed it if they have been under its effects or not.

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