FunCharacteristics of the Elizabethan theater

Characteristics of the Elizabethan theater

The Elizabethan theater is the name for the set of dramatic works written and performed between the years 1578 and 1642. It receives this name because it took place during the reign of Elizabeth I of England (1558-1603). There are some characteristics of the Elizabethan theater that are of special interest to know.


During the interpretation of the works, use was made of natural and universal lighting . All the shows took place in open-air theaters or grounds. There were some works that were done inside, and in all of them candlelight was used.


With regard to the sets, taking into account that the theater companies of the Elizabethan era performed in the street , the sets were minimal and very simple. In the vast majority of cases they were limited to simple curtains or a wooden background.


It was the actors themselves who created all the sound effects for the play, for example when they needed the noise of cannons or rain . Many of the actors were also musicians, and almost all the companies had their own instrumentalists and singers.


One of the things that attracts the most attention is that the spectators participated actively in the works. The actors used to talk and interact with them, and if the audience did not like the play, it was normal for them to boo or even throw objects on stage . Many playwrights wrote speeches in which the actors dedicated monologues to the audience.

Theater companies

In 15th and 16th century England it was quite normal for actors themselves to form theater companies. Each of them gave life to different characters in the same work. Men also played female roles because acting was considered an inappropriate profession for women. It was also the actors who were in charge of the costumes, accessories and even the ticket sales. They did everything.

Locker room

And finally, when it comes to costume, in Elizabethan times it was very elaborate, rich and colorful. At that time in England there were a series of laws in which certain styles of dress and colors were limited to the highest social classes . However, the actors of the licensed theater companies were exempt from its compliance. Therefore, they used the costumes to communicate to the viewers the social role of the character.

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