FunChina already has its flag on Mars: first images...

China already has its flag on Mars: first images of Tianwen-1

About a month ago, the National Space Administration of China arrived on Mars with its first flight to the Red Planet . Thanks to his Zhurong rover we can now see the first color images that have been published from the Chinese government. The country’s authorities have been very excited about the results that this country’s first flight to Mars is having.

“The launch of the first batch of scientific images marked the total success of the first mission,” the country’s authorities confirmed in a statement last Friday. “The image was transmitted to the vehicle wirelessly, which then bounced it back to Earth through the orbiter module,” they detail from the Chinese space agency that continues to work to collect as much information as possible from the neighboring planet.


The Tianwen-1 mission is the first that the Asian country has sent to Mars to study the possibilities of the planet. In it, we find his rover Zhurong that has been able to send these first images to his country. Its name comes from an ancient Chinese fire god, and it was launched on this mission on July 12, 2020, arriving on the Red Planet in May 2021.

The Chinese mission on Mars will last about 90 days in which it is intended to study the characteristics of the planet. Among these, the Chinese agency wants to know if there is the possibility that there is ice or water on the planet, in addition to studying atmospheric pressures, the composition of the soil material or the characteristics of the climate of Mars.

In addition, among the country’s priorities is the search for life, both current and old, in any of its forms. In this sense, the National Space Administration of China wants to take the lead in research on Mars. A career in space that, for the moment, the United States and Russia lead , and that in recent years has grown in many other countries with the illusion of being the first to find life in space.


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