NewsCorona case numbers: Incidence falls for the fifth day...

Corona case numbers: Incidence falls for the fifth day in a row

The RKI reports the current figures on the corona situation in Germany every day. The development of data on new infections, deaths and incidence.

Berlin/Frankfurt – The nationwide seven-day incidence has fallen again – now for the fifth day in a row. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) gave the value of new corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week on Thursday (02/17/2022) as 1385.1. This increases the evidence that the omicron wave actually breaks.

Corona in Germany: development of the number of cases in a weekly overview

Day new infections | Deaths | incidence
Thursday (02/17/2022) 235,626 | 261 | 1385.1
Wednesday (02/16/2022) 219,972 | 247 | 1401.0
Tuesday (02/15/2022) 159.217 | 243 | 1437.5
Monday (02/14/2022) 76,465 | 42 | 1459.8
Sunday (02/13/2022) 125.160 | 58 | 1466.5
Saturday (02/12/2022) 209,789 | 198 | 1474.3
Friday (02/11/2022) 240.172 | 226 | 1472.2
Thursday (02/10/2022) 247,862 | 238 | 1465.4
Source: Robert Koch Institute / RKI

Yesterday, on Wednesday (02/16/2022), the seven-day incidence for Germany was 1401. On Thursday of the previous week the value was 1465.4.

Seit Beginn der Pandemie meldet das RKI täglich die Daten zur Corona-Lage in Deutschland.


Since the beginning of the pandemic, the RKI has reported daily data on the corona situation in Germany.

As the RKI announced, citing data from the health authorities, the number of new infections within 24 hours on Thursday morning was 235,626 – after 219,972 on Wednesday and 247,862 on Thursday last week. As the RKI further announced, 261 other deaths in connection with the corona virus were also recorded on Thursday.

Corona in Germany: a total of over 13 million cases of infection

According to the RKI, the health authorities have recorded a total of 13,035,941 cases of infection since the beginning of the pandemic. The total number of registered corona deaths in Germany is now 120,728. The RKI puts the number of people who have recovered from corona disease in Germany at around 9,320,700.

In November, the federal and state governments had defined the so-called hospitalization incidence as the decisive benchmark for tightening or relaxing the corona measures. This value indicates how many people per 100,000 inhabitants are hospitalized within seven days because of a corona infection. According to the latest RKI report, the hospitalization incidence nationwide was 6.04 on Wednesday. A week ago it was 6.07.

Corona case numbers in Germany: experts assume higher values

The numbers are of limited value at the moment. Experts assume a high number of cases that are not recorded in the RKI data. Test capacities and health authorities are therefore at the limit in many places, and contacts are only tracked to a limited extent. In addition, the number of people who no longer have their infection confirmed by a PCR test is likely to increase – the infection is therefore not included in the official statistics. (skr/dpa/afp)

Header list image: © Screenshot RKI

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